James Axler – Rat King

biocomputer. Thus was constructed the Moebius MkI—the Rat King.”

A feeling of revulsion swept through Doc, churning at his guts and making acid

bile rise to his throat. The word biocomputer was pregnant with meaning. As for

the term rat king, Doc suddenly remembered an incident from his past.

It was the middle of March, 1881. It had to have been then, at the cusp of

winter and spring, as the young Theophilus Tanner had just turned thirteen. The

woods outside South Stafford were still sparse and bare, the foliage not having

budded in the crisp air, air that frosted on his breath as he walked through the

woods, trying to memorize the periodic table, reciting to himself.

It was before noon, and the sounds of wildlife were small. Few birds sang, and

the scufflings in the undergrowth were negated by the sound of his own boots

crunching on the dry earth.

“Phosphorous… What is phosphorous?” Tanner muttered to himself, trying to recall

the correct symbol and match it to the element. He shook his head at the

stubbornness of the answer, and so was easily distracted by the strange

squealing sound that seemed to emanate from a hollowed-out tree trunk about

thirty yards to his left.

He paused, furrowed his brow and strode to the tree trunk to investigate.

The squealing seemed to separate out into more than one voice the nearer he got,

it sounding for all the world like several animal voices in chorus.

Curious, apprehensive and perhaps just a little scared at what he might find,

Tanner leaned over the hollow trunk so that he could see inside.

What he saw gripped him with both awe and fascination. Half a dozen rats were at

the base of the tree, struggling and squealing in high-pitched squeals that

blended into an awful harmony. Their bodies thrashed together, unable to

separate and escape from each other because their tails were knotted, entwined

in a spiraling tangle that ascended into the empty space above them.

The knot was so tight—each movement making it tighter—that Tanner knew that

nothing short of amputation would separate them. It would also probably kill


Yet, bound together in that manner, death was already an inevitability.

Doc came back to reality with a shudder and a cold wave of nausea as he became

aware of Wallace tapping in the access code and the door opening.

Back in the woods outside South Stafford, the young Tanner had run away and left

the rat king to die.

This time he knew that he wouldn’t be able to run.

“THOUGHT SAID storm less?” Jak asked truculently as they emerged from the pass

and into the main body of the valley.

“It is less. I didn’t say by much, did I, cully?” With which the man laughed so

hard that the belly overhanging his ripped and patched camou pants shook and

wobbled. The pants looked like those belonging to the sec men, and Jak figured

that they were a trophy of a previous encounter.

“Tell the little shit how you came by them, Mac,” the now conscious bundle of

rags said, noticing how Jak was eying his captor’s attire.

“Mebbe I will,” Mac said, with the air of someone about to launch into a

well-rehearsed and much told story. “Y’see, the insiders have always reckoned on

how they were so good, and how all the old tech they still have makes them

better fighters—”

“But they don’t know the conditions, right?” Ryan interrupted, in no mood for

self-congratulatory stories.

Mac glared at him. “You’re damn right, One-eye. You know that, too. I was

watching you. They was fancy moves when you came from the inside, but you didn’t

know how to deal with the storm.”

“Not surprising,” J.B. commented. “Never seen anything quite like that.”

“Shut up and keep carrying,” the bundle of rags grumbled. She was still

suspended between the Armorer and Mildred, who glared at her, but managed to

refrain from comment…for the present.

Krysty surveyed the land around them. It appeared that they were still in a

valley, but a much larger one. The enclave formed around the entrance to the

redoubt was a small indent into one side of the valley. Sheer rock walls

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