James Axler – Rat King


The creature used its purchase on his leg to haul itself from underneath the

sole of his foot, clinging on its own injured agony to try to inflict damage

with its dying breath.

The elongated jaws opened, the sharp teeth poised as it moved its head back to

get a good, firm, darting bite at his leg. J.B. regained enough awareness

through the red mist of pain to drop the barrel of the Uzi even farther, until

it was parallel to his leg. He put the snubbed, open end of the barrel against

the creature as the head darted in.

The mutie squirrel sunk its teeth into J.B.’s leg the same instant that he

fired. He’d had enough presence of mind, through the pain mists, to switch to

single shot.

At such close range, he felt the heat of the blaster burn into his leg,

scorching the material of his pants. Not that it was any worse than the pain he

was feeling through the wounds inflicted by the squirrel. If anything, the pain

there was so immense that he felt he would black out at any moment: It was so

intense that his leg was beginning to numb, overloaded with agony.

There was little left of the creature as the slug tore its body to bloodied

shreds. The remnants of the corpse were scattered around the Armorer’s feet as

it splattered onto the ground. Most of the skull had also disappeared in the

blast, only the snout remaining. One eyeball— miraculously undamaged—hung loose

on a tendon. The teeth, firmly embedded in J.B.’s leg, were all that kept it

anchored in place.

“John!” Mildred shouted, her attention drawn momentarily from the attacking

hordes by the action beside her.

She stepped closer to him in a sideways motion, keeping her ZKR trained to pick

off any of the creatures that decided to attack. Eyes still scanning the brush

on both sides, she crouched to where J.B. had fallen. He was sitting upright,

cradling the Uzi with one hand trying to pick the snout from his leg, a glassy

stare coming into his eyes.

Mildred glanced at the wound and winced. “Leave it, John,” she said sharply,

hoping to get through the mist of shock that was fogging his perception. He

stared at her, blankness falling like a curtain over his gaze.

“Leave it,” she repeated, gently pushing his hand away from the wound. “Let me

look at it in a moment,” she said softly.

“Uh-huh,” J.B. replied vaguely.

“How bad is it?” Krysty yelled, casting one eye toward Mildred and J.B. while

she kept vigilance on the brush.

“Hard to tell,” Mildred answered, moving slightly away from J.B. in order to

keep her area of brush covered. “I need to get a good look at it. It’s the leg

he already damaged, and those mother teeth will probably infect the wound.” She

cursed Wallace and his military lunatics, who had removed most of the medical

supplies from her many coat pockets. But they were slack. Maybe she still had

something in there. If not, J.B. was in for a rough ride.

The waves of attacking squirrels had slowly decreased.

“Know we winning,” Jak said to no one in particular as he wiped the blood from

his knives to stop them slipping in his grip.

“Seems to me those little bastards knew our weak links and concentrated on

them,” Ryan commented, taking the opportunity to reload his SIG-Sauer.

“Hell, Dad, all animals know when they’re beat,” Dean said wearily, checking his

Browning. “Just some of us don’t give up.”

Ryan suppressed a laugh. Sometimes he could see so much of himself in Dean that

it was like having a mirror. “More than that, son,” he said, returning to the

subject. “It’s like they knew who was faring best against them, and somehow

targeted the others.”

“If Doc was here, he’d give us a rambling lecture about psi powers against

natural instinct and observation,” Krysty commented wryly as she joined Mildred

at J.B.’s side. “How is it?” she asked, switching her attention to the concerned


“Not so good,” Mildred answered curtly. “It was bad enough with his twisted or

sprained ankle,” she continued, indicating the way that the Armorer’s flesh was

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