James Axler – Salvation Road

“You don’t sound that happy about doing this,” Ryan commented, noting a certain tone in the sec chiefs voice.

Myall shook his head. “It doesn’t make sense, Ryan. None of it. But I’m fucked if I can make head or tail of it. All I know is that if I don’t follow through on the baron’s orders, it’ll be my head on a pole.”

“It’s a harsh life,” Ryan commented. “But you’re right. We should get some rest. Take it easy.” He turned and led his people away to their sleeping tent, although sleep was the last thing on the minds of any of them.

“There’s something really wrong with all this,” Dean said as soon as they were alone. “No way was Crow one of the saboteurs. And what does Baron Silas think he’s getting away with saying he knew nothing about our plans? That was why Crow was here yesterday.”

“I think he reported to Baron Silas yesterday,” Doc said quietly. “And I think he was killed in a deliberate attempt to make it look as though the sabotage comes from within the villes, and not from outside. I also think that we were perfect for the baron because we come from the outside, and to use us as his pawns would not endanger any of his sec forces.”

“Meaning that we’re in danger?” Krysty posed.

“I think we are,” Doc replied, “in the manner of being what they used to call ‘the fall guys.’ Just as Crow was used in this way.”

“You mean to tell me that you believe Crow was killed to provide a distraction?” Ryan asked. And when Doc nodded, so did the one-eyed man. “It’d make sense, I guess. Mebbe he knew something he shouldn’t have done. After all, why the hell was he on that road at that time of night when he was supposed to be with Baron Silas?”

“Mebbe he was,” J.B. mused. “Mebbe that’s the whole problem. We’ve been looking for outside saboteurs when all the time it has been from inside. But not from the inside that everyone thought.”

Jak gave J.B. a puzzled look. “Not make sense.”

“Oh, but it does,” said Doc slowly. “My dear John Barrymore, I think you may have cracked it. Supposing that Crow had reported to Baron Silas, and suppose that was why he died? To provide a decoy to the fact that all the points hit were ones that were not on the patrol rota at the times they were hit. After all, if he had not visited the baron, then only he would know the points that were vulnerable.”

“Oh shit, I’ve just remembered,” Dean whispered. “Baron Silas mentioned that the idea of the saboteurs being outsiders was crap.”

Ryan furrowed his brow. “So?”

Dean turned to his father and fixed him with a stare. “So no one knew about that idea of J.B.’s except us and Crow. And the only reason Baron Silas would know—”

“—is if Crow told him,” the Armorer concluded.

They sat in stunned silence for a moment. Finally, Krysty asked the obvious question. “But why would the baron want to sabotage his own project?”

“If, my sweet girl, there was something that would emerge and destroy his dream. Men have killed for less,” Doc mused.

“Or just take all other barons’ jack,” Jak added more prosaically.

“Whatever, it leaves us in the middle,” Ryan said grimly. “First thing to decide is this—what do we do about it?”

“Find evidence that we can present to the other barons and get our necks saved,” Mildred remarked. “Because one thing is for sure—we’re being set up to be next on the block after Crow.”

J.B. had been silent for longer than the others, looking pensive and lost in thought. Then he said, “How long until the other barons come to Salvation?”

“Silas say three days,” Jak replied. “Two nights, guess…”

“Mebbe that’s why the attacks have increased,” J.B. said quietly. “I’ve got to go and ask Myall something.”

“What?” Ryan asked.

“If he has any record of the sabotage attacks on the well and refinery since work started,” the Armorer returned over his shoulder as he left the tent.

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Categories: James Axler