James Axler – Salvation Road

And he would go about his.

IT TOOK the companions all day to prepare themselves. Although they knew that this would in all probability be the culminative day of their time at Salvation, they also knew that they couldn’t show this to anyone else in the sec camp. So after they had rested and eaten, they retired to their tent to prepare and clean their blasters for the night ahead, also taking the opportunity to work out and exercise, priming themselves for what was to come.

In the late afternoon, Ryan made his first move.

“Okay people, time to get this clear,” he said simply, adding, “J.B., keep a lookout for anyone who could come near enough to hear.”

“Think they may be on to something, lover?” Krysty asked.

“No,” the one-eyed man grunted, “but I don’t want to risk anything being overheard by accident and getting back to McVie and Myall. I’m sure they’re not in on anything the baron has up his sleeve, but I don’t want them blundering in on anyone’s side, no matter how well meaning they may be.”

Doc nodded. “It will be hard enough to effect this action as it is, without any outside influence.”

Mildred shook her head and laughed. “Always use too many words, Doc.”

Doc smiled. “My dear good woman, a usage of arcane language could, in itself, be an effective cover. After all, if no one can grasp your meaning…”

“Yeah, well, it helps if we can, at least.” Dean laughed.

“Okay,” Ryan said good naturedly, “let’s cut the stupe stuff and get serious, though I guess us all being in a good mood is going to help.”

“Not hurt,” Jak commented.

“Right,” Ryan began briskly. “I guess we all know the basic plan. There are five points on the patrol roster for tonight that will be left clear at the optimum time for attack. So what we do is quite simple. We reverse the roster and leave the other seven points uncovered, concentrating our efforts on those points that the baron and his mercies will think are vulnerable.”

“Not much room hide,” Jak commented. “How we keep in cover as bastards approach?”

“Yeah, I’ve been a little worried about that one,” Ryan said. “There are some areas where we can take cover, but the horses could prove a problem. Some of the hideouts are only big enough for people.”

“If we make good time, we could tether the horses at the points where we’re supposed to be, and make it the rest of the way on foot,” J.B. put in from his post by the tent’s opening. “That way they can see our mounts if they try to check us out, mebbe figure whoever they’re checking is taking a leak at that moment.”

“Yeah, good idea.” Ryan nodded. “That gives us some cover and mebbe buys a little more surprise.”

“Sounds good,” Krysty agreed. “So how do we divide up? Seven into five just doesn’t go at all.”

“We’ll do a couple of pairs, and then the rest individually. I know the handsets are a risk to use because we might get overheard, and because the refinery works cause interference, but at least they’ll give us some semblance of contact.”

“Okay,” Mildred said. “But who gets what?”

“Dean and Doc, you two pair up and take the double refinery building. That needs a pair to cover both, and it’ll give you a chance to cover each other’s back.”

The younger Cawdor and Doc both agreed. In many ways, as the youngest and the least fit of the group, they would be able to compensate for each other’s weak points.

Ryan continued. “Jak, you take the pipeline point C on the map. It’s the most open spot, and I figure you’ll be the best suited to finding a hiding place.”

The albino hunter didn’t speak, merely nodding briefly. His hunting prowess was such that he would be able to find the tiniest recess, the merest hint of darker shadow, and merge silently with it and remain still almost indefinitely. In such an open position, this was an invaluable gift.

Ryan turned to Mildred. “The far side of the storage tank, at point K. There’s a lot of desert for them to come in from, so it could any angle. Keep triple sharp on it.”

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