James Axler – Salvation Road

Krysty looked long and hard at Hal. She could feel her hair creep around the base of her neck, but had to push him to find out exactly what he meant. “What’s that got to do with us?” she asked.

The man grinned, showing a row of rotten, stained teeth with a couple missing. “Shit, I shoulda thought that was obvious. Gaudies cost big jack. We don’t get the jack for it ’cause you don’t get the work done, then I figure we got the right to take out what we’re owed in trade.”

And before either woman had a chance to react, his hand had snaked out to between Mildred’s legs, grasping and rubbing at her crotch.

“Jesus fucking shit,” she yelled, leaping back more in surprise than shock. Her arm shot out in a straight-arm punch that hit Hal full in the mouth, breaking a few more of his teeth.

Despite the force of the blow, the workman wasn’t put off. He was stronger than he looked, and although his head jerked back, it made him tighten his grip, causing a jolt of pain to shoot up Mildred’s groin. She yelped in agony and fell to the ground. Hal was on her before she had a chance to react, and she could feel his groin hard against her, his foul breath on her ear.

“Aw, don’t play hard to get, babe. I’m real hot, y’know.”

“You’d be hotter if you fried in hell, asshole,” Krysty yelled at him, driving the silvered tip of her boot into his ribs, the upward thrust of her foot sending him sprawling off of Mildred and into the remains of the cement.

While this occurred, a group of men had run from their stations working on the outside of the building. Ryan and J.B. were in the lead, acutely aware of what could happen if the other workers reached Hal’s aid first, and the women were outnumbered.

All were pulled up short by a short burst of Uzi fire. Sitting up and rubbing her aching groin, Mildred saw Petey and Crow walking over to them. The sec man stayed silent and impassive while the foreman spoke.

“Now, cut that out. As long as they’re here, they’re not women. And definitely not gaudy house sluts. We all work, we all get what we want. The more trouble we have, the more we fall behind. And that would be bad. Right, Petey?”

The sec man looked as uncomfortable as the others at the sudden steel that had entered the Native American’s voice. But he still answered, “You call the shots, Crow.”

“Believe it,” the giant said softly.

Turning to the workers, including Ryan and J.B., he said simply, “Get back to work. Now.”

Then, turning to Hal, he spit at the ground by the dazed workman’s head. “Fool. Get your ass up and get out of my sight.”

Finally, he said to Mildred and Krysty, “Accept my apologies for this idiot. It won’t happen again. And until we finish, it hasn’t happened. Are we clear?”

Before either woman had the chance to confirm or deny they understood his meaning, he turned and walked away, while Petey helped Hal to his feet and hustled him away, pushing the cart loaded with concrete that had sparked the incident.

“Him I trust,” Krysty said, indicating Crow. “But the rest of them?”

And she shuddered with apprehension.

FOR THE REST of their time working on the wag stop, there was a palpable air of tension. It was obvious to the companions that the workmen felt resentment toward them fueled by the manner in which the women had treated Hal when he tried to assault Mildred. For their part, they all kept their simmering resentment under control.

Ryan spoke with them on the evening of the attack, taking them away from the shelter to discuss the matter privately.

“I know what you all want,” he said. “In any other position, I’d agree with you. But we haven’t got our blasters, and we’re outnumbered, while they’re still armed.”

“Beat bigger odds before,” Jak muttered. “Mebbe best chill, get out.”

“Our albino friend could have a point,” Doc offered. “They will be out to get us now.”

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