James Axler – Skydark Spawn

Against one of the concrete walls was a wine rack that held upward of one hundred bottles of different wines. There was a refrigerator, walk-in freezer, stove, water stores and washroom facilities. A few blasters hung from racks on the walls, but the baron wasn’t going to make any of those anytime soon.

Someone turned on a light, and the two women looked up in surprise. The baron looked surprised, too, and tried for the Luger on the table next to the bed. His hand got close, but with his right arm tied to one of the bedposts, it was well out of reach.

Jak raised the Python, making sure the baron’s head was in his sights.

“Don’t chill him!” Melanie said, walking over the table next to the bed and picking up the Luger. “I want to do it.”

Jak looked at Clarissa. She nodded, and Jak lowered the Python and holstered it.

“Get away from the bed and I’ll let you live,” Melanie told the two women.

The two women scrambled off the bed.

The baron said nothing.

Melanie pointed the Luger at the baron’s head. “Didn’t expect to find yourself in this situation, did you, Baron Fox?”

The baron shook his head.

“At my mercy.” Melanie paused and traced a line on Fox’s body with the barrel of the Luger, starting from his right temple and moving down past his neck, over his chest and abdomen, and finally ending up between his legs.

His erection was still there.

“You find this exciting, don’t you, you sick fuck!”

The baron said nothing.

“I bet you’d love for me to shove this gun up your ass and fuck you with it, wouldn’t you?”

The baron only smiled.

“I knew it,” Melanie said coyly. “But not yet.”

The baron’s eyes closed as if the anticipation was too much to bear.

“First I want you to suck on it.” She raised the blaster and brought the barrel to his mouth. “Kiss it.”

The baron kissed the end of the blaster.

“Now lick it.”

The baron did what he’d been told, seeming to enjoy what he was doing.

“Now put your mouth over it and suck on it.”

The baron opened his mouth, and Melanie pulled the trigger.

Gore and gray matter splattered on the wall behind the bed.

The two women who had been rutting with the baron minutes before screamed.

Melanie turned to Clarissa and Jak. “I’m done. Let’s get out of here.”

RYAN AND MILDRED came to a rise in the terrain that gave them a good overview of the land in front of them. In the distance they could see a large body of water, which had to be Erie Lake, and which was obviously where the raiders were heading.

But the lake was still several miles away, and they hadn’t caught sight of the raiders for a long while.

“Where do you think they could have gone to?” Mildred asked.

“There,” Ryan answered, pointing to the southwest. He drew his extended finger back and made a fist. “Fireblast!”

He could see the members of the group clearly as they crossed a weed-infested, two-lane roadway. There were at least two dozen in the party, and in the center of them all was the unmistakable red hair of Krysty Wroth.

“We’re farther away from them now than when we started,” Mildred stated.

Ryan nodded. “The straggler we chilled was a good man. He led us down a different trail to give them the chance to get away.”

“We’ll catch them,” Mildred said.

“If it’s the last thing we do,” Ryan vowed.

THE JOB OF CLEARING sec men from the courtyard and securing it had been completed. J.B. had two shells of questionable quality left for the 37 mm cannon, and each .50 caliber had less than a dozen rounds. They still had plenty of ammo for their blasters, but it looked as if the firefights were over for now.

J.B. had pulled the wag back to the main gate so they could cover any of the approaches and make sure anyone trying to get out wouldn’t be cut down by any sec men still in the complex. They had been waiting at the gate for almost a half hour, but there was no sign of Ryan and Mildred, or Jak and Clarissa.

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