James Axler – Starfall

Ryan shifted behind her, pressing his crotch against her buttocks. She felt his erection through the material, and her own sudden lust pushed some of the pain away inside her head. She reached for him without turning, running her palm against his erection hard enough to make his hips buck in anticipation.

“You feeling up to this?” he asked hoarsely.

“Yes.” Krysty rolled over into his arms, listening to the rain drumming on the barn’s roof, hearing it slapping against the pools already gathered out in the courtyard.

In minutes, their new clothing was spread out across the blankets they made their bed on, and across the loose straw in the loft. Giving in to the hunger that drove her, Krysty rolled Ryan over and straddled him, feeling the cool air breeze across her erect nipples.

She slid forward until her sex was poised over his face, then wrapped her silken thighs about his head, covering cum like a saddle. She locked her hands behind his head and pulled his face into her.

She felt his tongue slither into her, parting her delicate folds with its hard, probing intensity. He licked at her, not gentle in his approach, attacking her sex and driving her toward a climax. Her juices ran freely, surging when her orgasm took her with shuddering force.

Ryan pushed her back from his face, breathing hard from his passion. She helped him scoot her back, feeling his cock brush against her ass, riding briefly against the wet cleft, driving her crazy as it brushed against her clit.

She reached between them, riding him as his body pushed against her. Her hand found his diamond-cutter, then guided it into her wet center.

Rising and falling, Krysty urged Ryan toward his or­gasm, feeling him grow steadily harder inside her. Then Phlorin’s voice echoed inside her mind, sounding faraway, the words not intelligible. Krysty closed her eyes and ham­mered her hips down across Ryan, using her extraordinary vaginal muscles to draw him even deeper. Her breath pow­dered her lover’s chest in slight gusts.

Take your triple-bastard lover then, bitch! Phlorin shouted inside Krysty’s head. Take him and love him all you can and turn your back on your ties to the Chosen.

Krysty tried to ignore the dead woman’s voice and con­centrate on Ryan’s coming climax, feeling the loss of con­trol in her lover’s movements. She gave herself over to her efforts, hoping Phlorin would be shamed to the back of her mind.

Keep up with your immoral ways. Turn your back on the beliefs of the Chosen. But you can’t turn your back on me. You have no birth control, and I can tell that you’re fertile now.

Krysty didn’t want to believe the woman. With her mutie powers, she’d always been able to tell when it was possible for her to become pregnant, and she’d been able to prevent it.

Not this time, Phlorin warned. This time when your man’s seed enters your body, I’ll make it quicken. I’ll let you hear the heartbeat of your newborn child within your womb. And when you link your heart to its heart, I’m going to kill it and let you listen to its mind as it dies.

Sick with the callousness of the threat, and the uncer­tainty of the woman’s ability to carry it out, Krysty lunged sideways, yanking Ryan out of her. She cried out in fear and loathing, unable to stem the sudden nausea that turned her stomach over and over.

“Krysty?” Ryan reached for her.

Automatically Krysty drew away from his touch. “Can’t, lover.” She threw up again, shuddering with the nausea.

“What’s wrong?”

“That bitch,” Krysty gasped. “That fucking bitch inside my head.” She surrendered herself to Ryan’s touch. “I’m sorry, lover. Truly I am.”

“It’s okay,” Ryan said, smoothing her hair. “We’re not going to let this beat you. You just hang on and we’ll find a way out of it.”

Krysty let herself cry silently on Ryan’s shoulder, not wanting to wake anyone else. Dry heaves rocked her body. Even in his arms, with him holding her tight, she felt more alone than she ever had in her life.

THE ATTACK CAME just before dawn.

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