James Axler – Stoneface

“The Lakota knew about the freezies up there?” Ryan asked.

Fleur opened her eye. “Oh, yes. It was a source of great anger to them. They viewed them as monstrosities, a monument to the predark evils that they had hoped were forever destroyed.”

“Of course,” Ryan said with a mocking smile, “Lars broke the pact at the first opportunity.”

“And why not?” Fleur demanded, her eye suddenly shining with near-religious fervor. “Who are the red savages to order their superiors around?”

“This is their land, for one thing.” A thought suddenly occurred to him. “Was Zadfrak part of Hellstrom’s group?”

“Yes,” Fleur admitted reluctantly. “He fell in love with Touch-the-Sky’s sister, Many Stars. When the patriarch and his Family left, Zadfrak took Many Stars with him.”

“And you went, too?”

“Of course. It was my destiny, wasn’t it?”

“I think I understand now,” Ryan said. “When Touch-the-Sky saw Lars had made a beeline for Mount Rushmore, he feared that he would ally himself with the freezies up there. A war party followed you, a fight broke out, Many Stars escaped and the seeds of the hatred between the Family and the Sioux were planted. Then, of course, after Many Stars gave birth, Helskel was established, Zadfrak returned to the Sioux just long enough to find that his son had died of rad cancer and he killed the woman.”

Fleur nodded. “And was cast out. Until you returned him.”

“If I knew then what I know now, I would have left him for the Sioux or the screamwings.”

“That’s all past, Cawdor. We need to discuss your future with the Family.”

“I don’t see much of one, Fleur.”

“You had better, or you won’t have any future at all. That goes for all of your people, including your pet mutie bed mate.”

Forcing down his anger, Ryan took a deep breath and said, “I’m listening. What’s your take on my future as co-warlord of Helskel?”

Fleur leaned forward, her hand moving beneath the surface of the water to stroke Ryan’s thigh. “After the ceremony, when your appointment is made official, you and I will enter into a contract. A bonding.”

“Like a marriage?”

“Somewhat. My life belongs to you now, Cawdor. Together we will expand Helskel’s influence, especially after you win the tech inside Mount Rushmore. You, me and the patriarch will be the most powerful people in Deathlands.”

“You’re forgetting a few things,” Ryan said, trying to get control of his body. “I have a responsibility to my people, and I have a son.”

“They’ll enjoy a privileged status in Helskel.”

“And my ‘pet mutie bed mate’?”

Fleur lifted the corner of her mouth in a half-smirk, half-smile. “She’ll just have to get used to the new arrangement, won’t she?”

“No. Because whatever I decide, the arrangement you’re talking about will never happen.”

Fleur moved her hand farther up his thigh. Her fingers brushed his testicles, and her smile widened. “Don’t let your pride lead you into making a foolish choice, Cawdor. After you’re with me, you won’t want any other kind of arrangement.”

As her hand made a move to caress his penis, Ryan grabbed her by the wrist and yanked her arm, jerking her into the water. He used more force than was necessary, and she cried out in surprised anger.

“Get away from me,” he said, his tone containing a deep, rumbling tone of menace. The scar that seamed his face glowed red. “Get away or I’ll break your neck. You have my promise on it.”

She didn’t try to wrest away from his grip. “Our lives are intertwined now,” she said, a note of urgency in her voice. “Mutual destinies. Between us, we have two eyes and can see further than anyone. We’ll share one vision. Don’t you understand?”

“I understand perfectly. Your life is your own. And I don’t need your eye to see the truth.”

He released her. Fleur stood in a rush and stepped from the tub.

“You’ve made an enemy today, Cawdor. Mebbe the last one in your life.”

Ryan expected her to slam the door behind her, but instead she closed it with a quiet click. He swore and concentrated on regaining his sense of comfort. It wasn’t easy. His mouth was dry, his heart was beating fast and a part of his body was still reacting to the womanand not to his disgust and anger with her.

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Categories: James Axler