James Axler – The Mars Arena

There was also a phalanx of sec men bunched together on top of the wall. They fired at will, chipping branches and bark from the surrounding trees.

“Fireblast,” Ryan said, staring at the army assembled before them. “We ride out into that, we’re going to get seriously chopped up.”

“Mebbe not,” Krysty said without explanation. “Could be those sec men have picked the wrong place to be.” She took out one of the detonators, wincing slightly as a bullet ricocheted from the elm tree just above her head. “Jak and I didn’t just mine the wall.”

“Better do what you have to do,” Ryan said, twisting in the saddle and peering over his shoulder. “Those wags are getting closer.”

She slid her thumb over the red detonator button, then pressed it.

DOC’S ATTENTION was focused primarily on the sudden and definite increase in shots cracking from the sec men’s stations above him. He didn’t hear Bernsen come up behind him until it was too late. Only the slight scuff of a shoe against concrete alerted him. He spun.

The scientist held a chunk of stone in either hand, turning both his arms into hammers that could crush Doc’s skull. “You’re a fool,” he grunted, “and you’re going to die a fool. I’m not going to die with you.” He swung the rock in his right hand.

Pain exploded along Doc’s jawline. As he went backward against the wall beside him, stars swam into the old man’s vision, taking away the weak light coming from the lantern Krysty and Jak had left with him in the underground parking garage.

“With your background,” Bernsen berated him, “you know you shouldn’t let emotion get involved with your work.” He swung the chunk of stone in the other hand, intending to smash Doc’s skull.

By the time the blow arrived, Doc moved his head. The rock smacked into the wall, shattering and scarring the cinder blocks.

“I must insist, Doctor,” Doc said, “that you control yourself. Otherwise, I fear your choice of actions will lead only to ill fortune.”

White spittle framed Bernsen’s mouth, and madness gleamed in his eyes. He swung again, this time succeeding in knocking the Le Mat blaster from Doc’s grip.

“The only ill fortune will be yours,” Bernsen said, “for ever thinking you could hold me here against my will.” He swung the stone again.

Senses still reeling, Doc dodged another blow and slid the sword stick from his belt. Without thinking, he twisted the lion’s head and drew the concealed sword in a practiced and easy gesture.

Before Bernsen could avoid it, the tip of the steel blade flicked out and carved another mouth from one side of his neck to the other. He let go of the stones, reaching up to his throat and making drowning sounds. Crimson sprayed from his mouth and the slash across his throat.

“I will not be dissuaded from my post,” Doc said vehemently. “Nor do I accept being killed while at it. May God have mercy on your soul.”

Bernsen toppled forward, the light going out of his eyes.

Then the convention center shuddered like an arthritic dog being struck with cold shivers. The sound of the explosion hammered into the underground garage only a moment later.

“By the Three Kennedys!” Doc exclaimed as he glanced toward the section of wall that he expected to go flying, as well. Instead, a barrage of broken rock trembled from the ceiling. He braced himself against the wall behind him, wondering if the stories above might suddenly collapse and come crashing down on him, reducing him to a protein paste.

HAYDEN Lamarck WATCHED as the center of the wall of the convention center blew apart. The explosives that ripped it to shreds were cunningly placed. The rooftop was ripped loose, then fell back in on itself, taking a thirty-foot section with itas well as the sec guards trying to snipe the one-eyed man and his companions. “Son of a bitch!” someone roared.

“Is someone inside the convention center?” Vinge Connrad demanded. The baron held his rifle in hand, his eyes wild and hot.

No one seemed to have an answer.

“Devil take all of you!” Connrad yelled. “I want a team down there now who can report the truth to me!”

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Categories: James Axler