James Axler – Trader Redux

The old man used to say that if you were going to get fucked up the ass and there was no way to avoid it, then you should try to lie back and accept it.

And, of course, make sure you chilled the sodomite at the very earliest opportunity.

Bessie was gentle in her ministrations, and he found himself starting to respond.

The dessert, placed in front of them all, was a baked sponge cake, filled with slices of fruit and served with chilled cream.

Halfway through the course, Bessie’s napkin fluttered floorward again. She tutted at her carelessness and slipped once more under the table. But this time she didn’t reappear. Ryan felt her fingers butterflying at his crotch, and he saw that Cissie had also vanished out of sight.

And, at the head of the table, Baron Torrance was sitting bolt upright, his eyes flicking between his two outlander guests and the half-dozen armed sec men that had been standing, silent and patient, around the walls of the dining room.

“Fine little girls, are they not?” he asked suddenly.

At that moment of realization, Ryan had his semi-erect cock deep between the warm, sucking lips of the younger of the two “little girls.”

Trader was already halfway to his feet, a hand pushing the graying head of Cissie from his lap, his right hand reaching for the Armalite that hung from the back of his chair.

Ryan pulled his chair back, ignoring the disappointed snuffling sound from under the table, and went for the SIG-Sauer, bolstered at his hip.

But they were both too late.

Behind them they heard the familiar flat clicking of blasters being cocked, every one aimed at their backs from less than six feet away.

“Be a crying double shame if my little ones lost their husbands before they even gotten themselves married,” Torrance said very quietly.

“Husbands.” Ryan took a slow breath, catching Trader’s eye, seeing from the tension in the older man’s body that he was about to take terminal action, all combat sense blinded by the sick intensity of the betrayal. He was going to grab for the Armalite, regardless of the armed men behind them.

“No,” Ryan said. “You do it now and they’ll take me along with you. Don’t want that, brother. No blood on the floor. Take it easy for now.”

To his relief, he saw the brittle, broken-glass intensity seep away from Trader, who relaxed and sat back in his chair, making a casual gesture of surrender with both hands.

“Good, good. Wise move, outlanders. Come out from under the table, my little doves.”

First Bessie, then Cissie came giggling into the open, both wiping their mouths.

Ryan started to eat his dessert, using the act as a way of keeping himself calm, knowing that this wasn’t a time for violence. They’d been caught cold. All they could do was wait and see what happened.

And hope that it wouldn’t be too bad.

BESSIE WAS an enthusiastic lover, working herself into a sweat to try to give her husband-to-be the best possible time.

But Ryan found it difficult to keep his mind on what was going on under the blankets. The fact that Trader was receiving similar service in the same roomthey’d propped up the broken leg of the beddidn’t help much.

Nor did the four armed sec men, including the grinning Andy Arkadin, who stood guard by door and balcony, do anything to increase sexual enthusiasm.

Before leaving the dining table, he and Trader had been forced to strip naked, submitting themselves to an intimate body search. The fact that it was carried out by Cissie and Bessie didn’t make much difference to the humiliation and indignity.

The Steyr in the bedroom had been retrieved by a sec man, and all of the other weapons were taken from them.

“Get them back one day,” the baron promised. “Can’t have the husbands of my little ones going around Deathlands with no weapons.”

Cissie had reached out and grabbed Trader by his cock, leering at her sister. “My husband’s got a real good weapon, here.”

Bessie had responded, claiming that her husband was even better equipped.

Ryan had stood quite still during the ordeal. There wasn’t anything that he and Trader could do. For the time being. But from what he’d seen of Hightower ville, it wouldn’t be all that long before a chance appeared to escape.

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Categories: James Axler