James Axler – Trader Redux

The second time had been slower, the movements gentler. Doc had been aware of the wondrous feeling of her body enclosing him, warm, moist and firm, sucking him deep inside her. Her voice whispered in his ears, telling him to go faster or slower, controlling it so that they both reached a thundering, trembling climax at the same moment.

After that Doc seemed to recall that they’d both slept for a while, wrapped in each other’s arms.

He’d awakened to feel Sukie using her mouth, lips and tongue on him, bringing him to an unbelievable hardness for an incredible third time. He had lain back and watched the shape of her head, bobbing up and down under the blanket. Reaching down he’d tangled his fingers in her long blond hair, holding her still while he began to move against her.

But she had judged when he was coming close to his climax and wriggled back up his body.

“Gentleman doesn’t finish his dessert before the lady has her soup,” she said.

“But that was wonderful. I’ve never known such”

“You got a lady here can suck the inside out of a grapefruit at twenty paces, Doc.” She smiled at him. “Your turn now for a little eating out.”

“I was always considered a cunning linguist,” he said, but he saw she didn’t get the joke. “Going down.” He slid lower, kissing her breasts for a while, bringing the nipples to cherry-stone hardness, before she pushed gently but firmly on the top of his head, spreading herself to receive his attentions.

He could still taste her on his tongue, the rich, feral scent of her arousal. As he had pressed his face into her body, Sukie had closed her thighs around him, shutting out all sound and sense. Doc had quickly found the center of his interest, sucking it between his lips, making her moan with delight.

She stopped him only when she knew she was hovering on the brink of her climax, the muscles of her stomach fluttering. She pulled him back up to the top of their makeshift bed and slid him quickly inside her.

“Together, Doc,” she whispered.

And that had been the third time.

Now, with the pressure of her body against him, Doc could feel a fourth miracle beginning.

She felt it, too. “You never get tired, Doc,” she said, letting it lie somewhere between a question and a statement.

“I can’t recall being in such stimulating company for many a long day, dear lady,” he said.

“Flattering old dog.”

“Flattery, they do say, will eventually get you everywhere, madam.”

“And look where it got you. Save the life of a poor, frail traveler. Lost and helpless in this burning wilderness. Couple minutes later and you’re dipping your beak in the honeypot like it was going out of fashion. You been in the sexual desert awhile, Doc?”


“Guessed it. You not had anyone steady for a few weeks? Is that it?”

“Weeks! I would that it were only weeks, my dear Sukie. I cannot truly tell you how long it must have been since I have enjoyed satisfactory congress.” There had been one or two isolated examples since he’d been trawled. Lori Quint, he recalled, had been a beautiful, wild child.

“How about gaudy sluts? You never gone with whores, Doc? Never?”

He hesitated for several beats of the heart. “Some time ago,” he said cautiously, not wanting to give the woman too much information about himself too quickly, “I was most cruelly plucked from my home and my loved ones and taken to a strange place, many miles away.”

“Slaved? Heard of that, Doc.”

“The men who had taken me wanted me because of some knowledge I had. It doesn’t matter what that was. But they tried to keep me happy in my imprisonment. Like offering a sweetmeat to a caged songbird. They took me out, under the most careful supervision, and allowed me to respond to the come-ons of whores working down on Seventh Avenue.”

Sukie squirmed a little, reaching behind her to see how his interest was going and found that it was rising. “Go on. Where’s this Seventh Avenue ville?”

“New York, that most toddling of towns.”

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