James Axler – Way of the Wolf

Dodge touched the bill of his baseball cap respectfully. “Guess you’d know about such things, Doc.”

“If they have topical anesthesia from the predark days,” Kirkland said as he approached, “these people shouldn’t just be allowed to trade in our ville, Sheriff Dodge. They should be our honored guests.” He stopped in front of Mildred. “Madam, if I may?”

“Of course.” Mildred unscrewed the lid and removed it from the container, showing that the seal hadn’t been broken.

Kirkland’s furry eyebrows lifted in surprise. Despite the fact that he shaved his head, he sported a goatee and sideburns of fiery red hair. “Unopened?”

“Found it that way,” Mildred answered. “Had no reason to open it so far.”

“Are there more of these where you found this one?” Kirkland asked.

Ryan regarded the man coolly. “We’re talking about this one.”

The healer raised a curious eyebrow, but evidently didn’t take any offense. “I see. May I open it, then?”

“Are we going to be allowed in to trade?” Ryan asked, pushing his advantage.

Kirkland glanced at Dodge. “Sheriff, you may not realize it, but this is an absolute treasure.”

Reluctantly Dodge nodded. From the way the sheriff acted, Ryan knew the healer carried a lot of authority in the ville. “I’ll take your word for it,” Dodge said.

“You don’t have to take my word for it,” Kirkland said. He looked back at Ryan. “Sir, whatever you want for this—within reason—in this ville will be yours. I do all the surgery in Hazard. If I can’t get whatever you want for you myself, I can work out a deal with anyone in this ville. These hands are surgeon’s hands, only one step removed from Saint Elvis’s himself, may his voice never be silenced.”

“You got yourself a deal,” Ryan said.

Kirkland gave an expansive smile. Delicately his fingers ripped the aluminum-foil seal from the topical anesthesia. He smelled the stringent odor and smiled again. “Fabulous.”

“You’ll want to be cautious with that,” Mildred said. “It’ll go a long way because of the cocaine-type base.”

Kirkland raised his eyebrows in surprise. “You know about such things?”

“I’ve done some cutting and stitching myself,” Mildred acknowledged.

“Then I’d like your company for lunch or dinner sometime before you leave Hazard. My housekeeper prepares a fine table.”

“If we can work it out,” Mildred answered.

Ryan knew Mildred was only acting compliant. She wasn’t going anywhere away from the companions until they were all sure everything was safe. The only security they had was with one another. And if the chance did present itself where she did accompany the man for a meal, she would also be in a position to ask questions they might need answers to themselves.

Kirkland dipped the corner of a handkerchief into the anesthesia, then handed the container back to Mildred and turned to the sheriff. “Remember a few months back when I had to pull that bad tooth of yours?”

Unconsciously Dodge rubbed his jaw. “Can’t say that I’m going to forget anytime too soon. Meaning no disrespect.”

“None taken. That was a frightful piece of business, and if I hadn’t scraped the bone as well as I had, gangrene might well have set in, taking your life. And there’s another tooth or two in that head of yours that I’m going to have to go in after one day soon. I’m sure you’re not looking forward to that.”


Ryan watched the men behind the sheriff. Most of them had stood down where they were, getting relaxed now. It took some of the edge off of the situation. He caught Krysty’s eye, looking a question at her.

The redhead shook her head slightly, letting him know she was getting no negative feelings. Her mutie ability of precognition had pulled them through hard times before. There were times that Krysty had known the lies they were being told as soon as they were uttered. Evidently Kirkland was being totally honest.

The healer opened the sheriffs mouth and scrubbed the dampened corner of the handkerchief across the inside of Dodge’s lower lip.

The sheriff stepped back and spit. “Now, that’s some bastard vile tasting—” He stopped, then touched his lip, looking surprised. “Hey, I can’t feel my lip!”

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