Jack Higgins – Drink With The Devil 1996

He opened a silver box on his desk, sighed, and took out a cigarette, put it in his mouth and reached for a lighter. He’d actually stopped a year before and yet whenever his gut feeling told him he was on to something, he reached for a smoke. Ah, well, just one wouldn’t do any harm. AT THE HOUSE AT QUOGUE THEY ENJOYED AN excellent dinner at six o’clock. Roast duck, potatoes, green salad, all washed down with more champagne.

“I haven’t eaten like this in years,” Ryan said.

“I shouldn’t imagine you have,” the Don told him dryly, “but the best is yet to come.” He rang a little silver bell and the maid appeared with a chafing dish.

“Cannolo, Sicily’s favorite sweet. Very simple.

Flour, eggs, cream.”

“Marvei’ous,” Kathleen said as the maid served them.

“Enjoy them. Later over the coffee we talk business.” DARKNESS WAS FALLING AS THEY SAT CN THE boardwalk and the maid served offee. When she was finished, he waved her away.

“What happens now?” Kathleen asked.

“Marco will take you to a small beach cottage not far from here. You’ll be safe there. Mori will keep

an eye on you.”

“And then?”

“MacArthur Airport is not far away. I keep a Gulfstream there. You’ll fly to Dublin with my nephew and Moil.” He smiled. “Unless the circumstances change.” There was a certain menace to that smile and Kathleen shivered. Ryan said, “What are we getting at here?” “Your niece told my nephew that he could only have the position of the Irish Rose, the bearings and so forth, when you are safe in Ireland.” “That’s right.” “I require them now, an act of faith if you like.” He smiled again.

Kathleen shook her head and said stubbornly, “Oh, no, mister, you wait until we’re in Ireland.” “Then that, too, must wait,” he said. “At least for you, Signorina.” He turned to Ryan. “You go, she stays here and takes her chances.” Ryan exploded. “You can’t do that.” “I can do anything, my friend. I learned from my father many years ago to always look for a man’s weakness. Yours is your niece, Mr. Ryan.” He stood up. “Think about it. Come, Marco, giye them time.” When they had gone Kathleen sai “The bastards.

I’d like to shoot the lot of them.” “Well, you can’t and we don’t have a choice.

We’ve got to get out of America as soon as possible, I couldn’t face going back inside, but I also couldn’t face leaving you here.” “So you’ll do it? What if they dump us? What if you give him the position and that bugger Mori shoots us?” “I don’t think so. I’m too useful to them for a number of reasons, and if they intend to shoot us at some stage, they can just as easily do it in Ireland.”


He smiled bleakly. “No, I’ll give him what he wants.”

“Then give him a false position,” she said.

“You’re not thinking straight. At some point in time we’ll be in a boat with these bowsers and a diver going down, and if the Irish Rose isn’t there, then that bastard Mori will give us a bullet in the head and over the side.”. Ryan shook his head. “No, we must get out of here and safely to Ireland. You see, there’s another reason. The truth is I haven’t been strictly honest with you.”

She gazed at him searchingly. “Tell me.”


“All these years and you never told me.”

“I always did say I never trusted anyone in my life, not even you.”

“Well, you do now, and you’re right. We must get to Ireland. Once.we’re there we’ll think of something.” She raised her voice.”‘Don Ant°nio?”

He appeared with Sollazo. “You’ve thought it over?’ ‘

“Yes, and w agree.”

“Excellent.” Sollazo took his diary from his breast pocket and a pen. Don Antonio Russo smiled. “I knew you were a practical young woman, Signorina, the moment I clapped eyes on you.”



listened as Blake Johnson told him the worst.

“I’ve seen the man Salamone at the Hurley Street Secure Unit since he got in mad I’ve grilled him thoroughly.

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Categories: Higgins, Jack