Jack Higgins – The Dark Side Of The Island

The Greek’s face was twisted with pain and there was a film of sweat on his forehead. “Mother of God, I think it’s broken,” he said.

Lomax crossed the room quickly and between them they got him to a chair. Alexias tentatively ran his hands down the leg and winced suddenly. “I was right. There’s a break just below the knee. What a stinking mess.”

Katina was near to tears. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I did my best, but he wouldn’t go away. He insisted that I must make him coffee.”

Boyd was on his knees beside the German and now he stood up. “One thing’s for sure-he’ll never bother anyone again.” He glanced at Lomax, face grim. “You never do things by halves, do you? A couple of hours from now and they’ll be looking for this bloke all over the island.”

“Then they must find him,” Alexias put in.

Lomax turned, a frown on his face. “What do you mean?”

“For God’s sake give me a cigarette,” the Greek said. “It’s simple enough. They patrol along the top of the cliffs in their motor cycles. He’ll have to meet with a nasty accident, that’s all.”

“By God, he’s right,” Boyd said. “It’s a way out.”

Lomax nodded. “The only way, but there’s still a snag. They probably won’t find him till daybreak. That means this is going to be an unhealthy neighbourhood for the rest of the night. In any case, Alexias needs a doctor.” He turned to the Greek. “How far is it to Van Horn’s place?”

“Over the shoulder of the mountain, no more than an hour if you know the track.”

Lomax frowned. “If you think we’re leaving you here, you’re crazy. When the Germans turn out, they’re bound to search this place.”

“I won’t be here,” Alexias said. “I’ll be safe in town at The Little Ship. Help me on to the cart and I’ll have myself there in half an hour.”

“But what about me, uncle?” Katina said.

He managed a smile and patted her arm. “You must take them to Mr. Van Horn as soon as you can. With. luck he may be able to return with you to The Little Ship tonight.”

“You seem to have it all worked out,” Lomax said.

“The way he puts it, it’s all we can do,” Boyd told him.

Lomax nodded. “That’s it then. Let’s get him out to the cart before we do anything else. The sooner he’s safe in town and off the road the better.”

He and Boyd supported the Greek between them as they went outside and Katina brought the horse and cart across to the bottom of the steps. They helped him up on to the narrow seat and he supported his injured leg on one of the shafts.

Boyd went inside and came back with one of the submachine guns. Alexias slipped it under his seat and smiled down at them, teeth gleaming in the darkness.

“Don’t worry. Everything’s going to be fine. I feel it in my bones. This won’t make any difference to the main plan. As soon as I get things moving, I’ll be in touch.”

He picked up the reins and moved away into the darkness and Lomax turned to Boyd. “We haven’t got much time. Let’s get our friend outside as quickly as possible.”

Katina followed them and stood in the door watching as they pulled the German’s gauntlets over his stiffening fingers and strapped on his helmet. As they brushed past her with the body, she turned her face away, but a few moments later as they eased the body into the sidecar, she came out on the porch.

“Who’s going to drop him?” Boyd asked.

“I will,” Lomax told him. “You get the kit down and be ready to move as soon as we get back.”

Boyd nodded and ran up the steps into the house and Lomax turned to Katina. “I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to show me the nearest suitable spot.”

She came down the steps without a word and he mounted the machine and waited for her to get on to ‘the pillion. As soon tis she was seated, h&.kicked the starter and let in the clutch.

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Categories: Higgins, Jack