James P Hogan. Giant’s Star. Giant Series #3

“What is knowledge?” she asked them. “True knowledge, of reality as it is, as opposed to how it might appear to be or how one might wish it to be? What is the only system of thought that has

been developed that is effective in distinguishing fact from fallacy, truth from myth, and reality from delusion?” She paused again for a second and then exclaimed, “Science! All the truths that we know, as opposed to beliefs which some choose blindly to adopt as if the strength of their convictions could affect facts, have been revealed by the rational processes of applied scientific method. Science alone yields a basis for the formulation of beliefs whose validity can be proved because they predict results that can be tested. And yet . . .” Her voice fell, and she turned her head to include the Terrans sitting around her. “And yet, for thousands of years the races of Earth clung persistently to their cults, superstitions, irrational dogmas, and impotent idols. They refused to accept what their eyes alone should have told them-that the magical and mystical forces in which they trusted and which they aspired to command were fictions, barren in their yield of results, powerless in prediction, and devoid of useful application. In a word, they were worthless, which of course made any consequences harmless. And this, from the Lambian, or Jevlenese, viewpoint, constituted a remarkably convenient situation. It was too convenient to be just a coincidence.” Heller turned her head to look coldly at the Jevlenese. “But we know that it was not merely a coincidence. Far from it.”

Danchekker turned an astonished face to Hunt, leaned closer, and whispered, “How extraordinary! I’d never have believed I’d hear her make a speech like that.”

“I’d never have believed it, either,” Hunt muttered. “What have you been doing to her?”

Still looking at the Jevienese, Heller went on, “We know that the early beliefs in the supernatural were established by miracle workers whom you recruited and trained, and injected as agents to found and popularize mass movements and countercultures based on myth, and to undermine and discredit any tendencies toward the emergence of the rational systems of thought that could lead to advanced technology, mastery over the environment, and a challenge to your position. Can you deny it?” She could read on their faces that her bluff had succeeded. They were standing rigid and unmoving, too numbed with shock to respond. Feeling more confident, Heller looked over at the Thuriens and resumed, “The superstitions and religions of Earth’s early cultures were carefully contrived and implanted. The beliefs of the Babylonians, the

Mayas, the ancient Egyptians, and the early Chinese, for example, were based on notions of the supernatural, magic, legend, and folklore, to sap them of any potential for developing logical methods of thought. The civilizations that grew upon those foundations built cities, developed arts and agriculture, and constructed ships and simple machines, but they never evolved the sciences that could have unlocked true power on any significant scale. They were harmless.”

Low mutterings and murmurs were rippling among the Thuriens as some of them only began to~ realize for the first time the full extent of what the Terrans had uncovered. “And what of Earth’s later history?” Calazar asked, mainly for the benefit of those Thuriens who had not been as involved in everything as he.

“The same pattern traces through to modern times,” Heller replied. “The saints and apparitions who created legends by conveying messages and performing miracles were agents sent from Jevlen to reinforce and reassure. The cults and movements that perpetuated beliefs in spiritualism and the occult, in paranormal sciences and other such nonsenses that were in vogue in Europe and North America in the nineteenth century, were manufactured in an attempt to dilute the progress of true science and reason. And even in the twentieth century, the so-called popular reactions against science, technology, positive economic growth, nuclear energy, and the like were in fact carefully orchestrated.”

“Your answer?” Calazar demanded curtly, staring at Broghufflo.

Broghuilio folded his arms, drew a long breath, and turned slowly to face directly toward where Heller was standing. He seemed to have recomposed himself and was apparently far from conceding defeat yet. He glared defiantly at the Terrans for a few seconds and then turned his head toward Calazar. “Yes, it was so. The facts are as stated. The motive, however, was not as described. Only a Terran mind could conceive of such motives. They are projecting into us their own evils.” He threw out an arm to point at the Terrans accusingly. “You know the history of their planet, Calazar. All the violence and bloodthirstiness that destroyed Minerva is preserved today on Earth. I do not have to repeat to you their unending history of quarrels, wars, revolutions, and killing. And that, mark you, was despite our efforts to contain them! Yes, we planted agents to steer them away from the sciences and from reason. Do you blame us? Can you imagine the bob

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Categories: Hogan, James