James P Hogan. Inherit The Stars. Giant Series #1

a question mark. That helps keep things simple.”

Hunt selected his first sheet. “Okay,” he said. “Let’s start at the

beginning.” He read aloud:

“Day One. As expected, today we received full (mobilization alert?)

orders. Probably means a posting somewhere. Koriel.

This is Charlie’s pal who turns up later, isn’t it?”


thinks it could be to one of the (ice nests far-intercept?).

What’s that?”

“That’s an awkward one,” Maddson replied. “It’s a composite word;

that’s the literal translation. We think it could refer to a

missile battery forming part of an outer defense perimeter, located

out on the ice sheets.”

“Mmm-sounds reasonable. Anyhow, Hope so. It would be a change to

get away from the monotony of this place. Bigger food ration in

(ice-field combat zones?). Now . . .” Hunt looked up. “He says,

‘the monotony of this place.’ How sure are we that we know where

‘this place’ is?”

“Pretty sure,” Maddson replied with a firm nod. “The name of a town

is written above the date at the top of the entry. It checks with

the name of a coastal town on Cerios and also with the place given

in his pay book for his last posting but one.”

“So you’re sure he was on Minerva when he wrote this?”

“Sure, we’re sure.”

“Okay. I’ll skip the next bit that talks about personal thoughts.

“Day Two. Koriel’s hunches have proved wrong for once. We’re going

to Luna.”

Hunt looked up again, evidently considering this part important.

“How do you know he means Earth’s Moon there?”

“Well, one reason is that the word he uses there is the same as the

last place the pay book says he was posted to. We guess it means

Luna because that’s where we found him. Another reason is that

later on, as you’ll have read, he talks about being sent

specifically to a base called Seltar. Now, we’ve found a reference

among some of the things turned up on Farside to a list of bases on

place ‘X,’ and the name Seltar appears on the list. X is the same

word that is written in the pay book and in the entry you’ve just

read. Implication: X is a Lunarian name for Earth’s Moon.”

Hunt thought hard for a while.

“He arrived at Seltar, too, didn’t he?” he said at last. “So if he

knew where he was being sent as early as that, and you’re certain

he was being sent to the Moon, and he got where he was supposed to

go. . . that rules out the other possibifity that occurred to me.

There’s no way he could have been scheduled for Luna but rerouted

somewhere else at the last minute without the entry in the pay book

being changed, is there?”

Maddson shook his head. “No way. Why’d you want to make up things

like that anyhow?”

“Because I’m looking for ways to get around what comes later. It

gets crazy.”

Maddson looked at Hunt curiously but suppressed his question. Hunt

looked down at the papers again.

“Days Three and Four describe news reports of the fighting on

Minerva. Obviously a large-scale conflict had already broken out

there. It looks as if nuclear weapons were being used by then-that

bit near the end of Day Four, for instance: It looks like the

Lambians have succeeded in confusing the (sky nets?) over Paverol-

That’s a Cerian town, isn’t it? Over half the city vaporized

instantly. That doesn’t sound like a limited skirmish. What’s a sky

net-some kind of electronic defense screen?”

“Probably,” Maddson agreed.

“Day Five he spent helping to load the ships. From the descriptions

of the vehicles and equipment, it sounds as if they were embarking

a large military force of some kind.” Hunt scanned rapidly down the

next sheet. “Ah, yes-this is where he mentions Seltar. We’re going

with the Fourteenth Brigade to join the Annihilator emplacement at

Seltar. There’s something crazy about this Annihilator. But we’ll

come back to that in a minute.

“Day Seven. Embarked four hours ago as scheduled. Still sitting

here. Takeoff delayed, since whole area under heavy missile attack.

Hills inland all on fire. Launching pits intact but situation

overhead confused. Unneutralized Lambian satellites still covering

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Categories: Hogan, James