Janissaries 2 – Clan and Crown by Jerry Pournelle

“What should we do?” Gwen asked. “I mean, what are the choices?”

“You’ve watched him with Octavia. That’s the first question, do we encourage this match? Beyond that. Do we want him to be Caesar?”

“Does he want to be?” Gwen asked. “Not that it would be automatic. The position isn’t really hered­itary.”

“True,” Rick said. “Look, here’s the situation. The Westmen are coming down off their plains. Lots of them. They’re pretty good troops. Probably can’t take castles—” he looked to Mason for confirmation.

“Not by storm,” Mason said. “Not stone ones, any­way. But they can wipe up anything else. Murphy had the best ditch, logs, and earth system I’ve seen on this planet, and he wouldn’t have been able to hold much longer—would have lost already if it hadn’t been for the battle rifles.”

“So what’d you do with him?” Warner asked.

“He’s set up in that castle Harkon used to have,” Mason said. “With a lot of peasants to guard. He’ll be okay until the food runs out.”

“So we can hold castles, but not the land,” Warner said. “So how do we feed those people?”

“Going to be worse than that,” Mason said. “Be­low the Littlescarp things are too wet. Up on the high plains, that hot wind that comes down from the desert is drying things out.”

“Probably the source of some of our rain,” Warner mused.

“Could be,” Mason said. “But for sure it won’t do the crops much good. I don’t know what the climate’s going to be like, but up in the high plains it’s been the driest spring anyone can remember.”

Gwen was studying the map on the far wall. “Could we abandon the high plains?”

“It is my land,” Tylara said. “Mine and Rick’s.”

“It’s nobody’s land if there’s nothing to eat,” Rick said.

“Captain, you have to hold it anyway,” Mason said. “Otherwise the Westmen will ride right across to the Littlescarp and come down into Drantos proper. I’d rather fight them up there where they don’t have so much room to spread out.”

“The legends are relatively clear,” Gwen said. “The Westmen swept all the way to the gates of Rome dur­ing one of the times of turmoil. Possibly the last one.”

“So we’ll have to stop them. Only who com­mands?” Rick asked. “Me?”

“You can’t,” Elliot said. “The Shalnuksis are com­ing, and you’ve got to deal with them. And somebody’s got to keep the surinomaz crop growing-”

“There’s the University situation, too,” Gwen said. “It really is getting serious.”

“Tylara told me,” Rick said.

“Yes, the minor clans see much booty and little danger,” Tylara said.

“Which makes for sticky diplomacy with Mac Clallan Muir, and you’ll be personally needed,” Gwen said.

“More than that, Captain,” Elliot said. “If you send a sizable army up into drought country, the logistics are going to get sticky. With Apelles and his clerks to help I can probably handle most of the administration, but somebody’s got to enforce our decrees. There’s nobody except you to stand up to the barons.”

“Can Caradoc command?” Warner asked.

“I suppose he must go,” Gwen said.

“Yes, he’ll be needed out there, but he can’t be commander,” Rick said. “He hasn’t enough rank yet. We can groom him for promotion after this. But it’ll be a long campaign.”

“Then you certainly cannot go,” Gwen said.

“Yeah,” Rick said. “But more than one empire has come apart because it couldn’t solve the problem of nomad light cavalry. We’ve got better armor and equipment, but Murphy says there’ll be a lot of Westmen. It’ll take discipline to beat them.”

“For a long war that requires discipline, count not on Drantos warriors,” Tylara said. “Even those of Chelm.”

“That’s the problem. The Westmen won’t fight until they’ve got an advantage. We can win every ten-day and get nowhere, but any defeat can be disaster,” Rick said. At Manzikert the Byzantines won the day but at dusk became scattered. They were cut up in detail. After that Alp Arslan’s Turks ravaged Asia Minor so thoroughly that when the Crusaders went through a generation later they found brambles grow­ing in what had once been thriving cities.

“If you want disciplined troops, you need Ro­mans,” Gwen said. “You could ask Caesar for a legion or two. Oh-of course! There are only two men in Drantos who could command Romans. You and young Ganton. And if he leads Roman soldiers in a successful battle, then he really is eligible to become Caesar.”

Tylara looked at Gwen in surprise, then nodded agreement. “So this is what you meant when you be­gan. When you asked what we are to do with Wanax Ganton.” She shook her head slowly. “To ask such a question is high treason-my lord, you have been with Ganton these past four ten-days. You must know better than we what we must do. As you always do.”

“I don’t know,” Rick said. “But I don’t see we’ve much choice. Can we put together a disciplined force without Romans?”

“Only if you lead it,” Tylara said. The others nod­ded agreement.

“So we need Romans. Can anyone command ex­cept the Wanax?”

“Only Publius,” Tylara said. “He might command both Romans and our bheromen.” Rick winced, and Tylara nodded agreement. “Aye, he is quarrelsome and likes not ‘barbarians.’ And I think he will like even less this conceit of Ganton as Caesar.”

“There’s an understatement,” Gwen said. “But you won’t get Publius to come west anyway. He’s got all he can do as Marselius’s proconsul.”

“I agree,” Tylara said. “But though Romans will obey their officers, the bheromen will not follow Ro­man legates. And we cannot trust the defense of our western lands to Romans alone.”

“What’s the rest of it, Captain?” Warner asked. “You obviously thought this far already.” Elliot gave Larry Warner a sour look, but still nodded agreement.

“First thing, if we’ve got Roman armies in the west, we want Dravan held by somebody trustworthy, which means Tylara.”

There were murmurs of agreement.

They all agree. Why not? They won’t be separated from their families. Well, Caradoc will. And Reznick’s kids won’t ever see him again. We didn’t even ask them. Rick lifted a small bag onto the table. “These are Reznick’s personal effects,” he said. “Some of the stuff goes to his wives.”

“What’ll happen to them?” Warner asked.

“Dirdre wants to take the kids and go stay with Murphy,” Rick said. He shrugged. “She thinks the kids will do better with their father’s partner. There’s noth­ing left for her back south, and she’s not happy here.”

“That’s Honeypie,” Warner said. “What about Marva?”

“She has no plans.”

“They don’t have any status here in Drantos,” Gwen said. “Both would be welcome at the University, where it’s not so important-”

“We’ll ask Marva. Dirdre’s pretty well decided,” Rick said. He opened the bag. “The point is, most of his personal gear goes to Dirdre and Marva, but we decide who gets star weapons.” He took out a .45 Colt automatic and opened the action. “Unless somebody objects, this goes to Tylara. She’ll need it.”

Rick hadn’t expected any objections, and there weren’t any. He slid it down the table. Mason caught it and handed it on to Tylara. She let it rest on the table in front of her.

“Lafe had another personal weapon,” Rick said. “This Browning automatic. I think we ought to give it to Ganton.” He worked the action a couple of times. “Nice piece. Elliot, do you think the troops will object?”

“I was just wondering about that, Captain,” Elliot said. “No, I don’t think so. It makes sense, the way you’ve got things set up. We can probably outdraw him anyway.. .“

“There is perhaps a better way,” Tylara said. “Have the Ladies Dirdre and Marva give it to Wanax Ganton in the name of Lord Murphy. If he accepts it before the Council it will settle the question of their nobil­ity—and by inference, that of all the consorts of star­men.”

“He’s sure not going to refuse,” Rick said. “You don’t mind this wholesale elevation of commoners?”

Tylara laughed. “What was I, except the daughter of Mac Clallan Muir, until I married the Eqeta of Chelm? Of all on Tran, I am least likely to object to giving widows their rights.”

“All right. That’s two problems done. One more. The University. I’ll send some Drantos troops up— maybe their officers can become students. But I’m also going to ask Marselius for a cohort of Romans.”

Everyone looked at Tylara. She spread her hands. “I like not legions coming west, and I like this no more. Romans in Tamaerthon! But I see the need, and I be­lieve my father and my brother will also. But there may be trouble with the other clans.”

“Maybe some of them would like to volunteer for the war,” Mason said. “Come west with Caradoc.”

“Why would they go?” Warner asked.

“Loot.” Mason reached into his pocket and came out with a length of intricately plaited golden wire. “The Westmen carry everything they own, and most have some gold.”

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Categories: Pournelle, Jerry