John Brunner – Jagged Orbit

“You mean seventy percent of the wealthy people who got killed were killed because their neighbors were afraid of them buying these weapons?” Conroy de

“No. Seventy percent of the persons wealthy enough to purchase the weaponry were killed before they could do so.”

There was a terrible dead silence in which the faint, faint humming of the surrounding computers was like the tolling of a funeral bell.

“How-much?” The words were squeezed out of Flalike juice from an orange.

“Initially, one hundred thousand dollars. Inflation raised this until the Mark V and final was priced at $155,000.”

Once more there was a pause. Once more Lyla broke it, as though she were shy about speaking unless it was clear no one else was eager to do so.

“But I don’t see what we’re expected to do,” she said. “It’s worse to know that something horrible is going to happen. I mean, obviously it could. Everybody’s putting up the barricades-when you and I went out the other night just to try and get something to eat.” The senfaltered and died.

“I can see several things worth trying,” Conroy said. “For example, the Flamen show on Monday could carry precise details of the proposed System C weaponry, right down to the market price, and if I have any insight at all into how the minds of the Gottschalks work that’s going to cause a hell of a lot of Anthony’s supporters to switch sides on the grounds that if he can’t keep a secret he’s not fit to be the leader. How about it, Flamen?”

The spoolpigeon was framing an answer which, by the set of his face, was meant to be scornful, when the combuzzed and a voice said, “Able Baker override-he must be there.”

“What the hell?” Flamen spun on his heel to face the camera. “Who in the world can be trying to reach me here on a weekend?”

In the screen, Prior’s face took form, displaying relief. “Thank heaven I found you, Matthew!” he blurted. “I’ve been hunting for you everywhere-at home, at the Ginsat the hotel where you booked Conroy.” Eyes darting past Flamen, he took in the others who were present, and his tone changed.

“What on earth are you up to? Oh, never mind, it can’t be this important. Matthew, we’ve been put out of business!”


“I just had a call from Eugene Voigt You know the PCC always monitor out-of-hours dealings in communistock in case someone tries to pull a fast one. Well, somebody has, and of all people it’s the GottAbout forty minutes ago they registered the fifty-one percent holding in Holocosmic-apparently they’ve been buying off everyone who could be reached at nearly double the market price-and their first decision now that they control the network is to discontinue the Matthew Flamen show.”

“But I have a contract!”

“Lump sum in lieu of salary plus compensation for probable loss of renewal. Voigt said his computers estia shade under two million. Advises us to lie down under it because they could get away with half a milless.”

“What the hell are they going to put in my slot, then?”

Prior shrugged. “Who cares? Catch them being hauled into court for exceeding the PCC’s advertising limit!”

“They can’t do this to.” Foolishly, Flamen let his hands drop to his sides. They could indeed do this to him, and it was no use trying to get away from it. He settled for: “Why should they want to do this to me?”

“To prevent premature release of details concerning System C integrated weaponry,” Madison/Gottschalk said. “I recall issuing this recommendation.” He fell siscowling dreadfully.

Prior blinked at his image, bewildered, but clung to his theme. “Matthew, have you been overreaching yourHave you set something up about the Gottschalks?”

“I.” Flamen shook his head. “I don’t know. I lost track.” He hesitated.

“What am I going to do?” he burst out

“There’s a pythoness here who’s short of a mackero,” Conroy said with a shrug. “Oh, for God’s sake, man! Can’t you think of anyone but yourself right now? For me this is the clincher; I’ll go right along with Madison’s crazy story until I’m forced to disbelieve it. This whole damned species of ours is out of its collective skull also why-?”

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Categories: John Brunner