John D McDonald – Travis McGee 07 Darker Than Amber

“Forgot them completely. Thanks.”

I “I nearly forgot them, Travis. The lass has a tendency to attract complete attention. Aside from what a delectable morsel she appears to be, what’s your reaction to her?”

I leaned against a built-in stack of drawers, arms folded. “Wariness, I guess. Like they say about stalking a panther, you’re never sure of who’s after who. A hell of a lot of control there, Meyer. I think it looked like a very professional job of trying to kill her. No husband discarding the tiresome wife. So somebody had to have a very good reason for scuttling merchandise of that quality. She must have given them enough reason. And they didn’t make it easy for her. No rap on the skull before they chunked her over. I can guess she’s really shook, but she’s not going to let herself show it in any way. Or yell cop. She’s a hard one, Meyer. I get the impression of… gambler’s nerves. She took a chance and lost. She accepted the loss and knew what it would mean. Then got a break she had no right to expect. I detect the smell of money. And she was playing in a rough league.”

Meyer sighed. “I think we’ll get some answers from her, if she thinks there’s any way she can use us. Partial answers probably. I noticed one thing. Any girl that attractive almost always has dozens of little automatic tricks, a way of looking at a man, speaking to him, holding herself. Not so much flirtatiousness as awareness of the weapons she’s always owned, and how to use them at all times. I’ve been trying to think of the categories I’ve run into where they can turn the whole arsenal on and off at will. Good trained nurses, dedicated actresses, ballet dancers… and whores. And we won’t know why those two men dropped her off that bridge unless she decides it is in her best interests to tell us.”

“Two men?”

“At least two, and probably in a convertible. From the time the car braked to a stop until she hit the water, there wasn’t time to work her out of a sedan with that block wired to her ankles, and I doubt they’d have her strapped to a fender like a dead doe. And also there was no sound of a car door at any time. The car started up so quickly, whoever dropped her wouldn’t have had time to get back behind the wheel. Besides, the motor was being revved the whole time it was stopped. So I see a nervous man at the wheel and a powerful man in the back seat with her. Powerful and agile. He jumped out over the door, scooped her up -a hundred and twenty pounds of girl plus cement block -swung her up and over the parapet and let her drop feet first, vaulted back into the car as the other man started it up. I’d also guess they were parked a distance from the bridge, lights out, well over on the shoulder, waiting to be certain nothing was coming from either direction. As she knew what was going to happen, it must have been a horrid wait for her. But I would wager she didn’t whine or beg.”

I shook my head admiringly. “Ever wonder if you’re in the wrong line of work, Professor?”

“I’m in the logic business, McGee. I deduce possibilities and probabilities from what I can observe. My God, man, compared to the mists and smokes of economic theory and practice, the world of actual events seems almost oversimplified. A corporate financial statement is the most nonspecific thing there is. If a man can’t read the lines between the lines between the lines, he might as well stuff his money into a hollow tree.”

In that villain’s face the eyes are an intense blue, bracketed by the wrinkles of weather and smiling, small eyes peering from either side of the potato nose. “Don’t overrate my talents, boy. You function superbly in areas where I’d be helpless as a child. I couldn’t have gone down after her, or made myself stay down when I learned it was the only way to save her.”

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Categories: John D MacDonald