John Wyndham – The Chrysalids

But when they do know they are in love they suddenly know, too, that there are ways in which they differ not at all from norms. . . . Also, they face the same obstacles that norms would. . . .

The feud between our families which had first come into the open over the matter of the great-horses had now been established for years. My father and half-uncle Angus, Rosa­lind’s father, had settled down to a regular guerilla. In their efforts to score points, each kept a hawk-like watch upon the other’s land for the least Deviation or Offence, and both had been known for some time now to reward the informer who would bring news of irregularities in the other’s territory.

My father, in his determination to maintain a higher level of rectitude than Angus, had made considerable personal sacrifices. He had, for instance, in spite of his great liking for tomatoes, given up growing the unstable solonaceae family at all; we bought our tomatoes now, and our potatoes. Certain other species, too, were blacklisted as unreliable at some in­convenience and expense, and though it was a state of affairs which promoted high normality rates on both farms, it did nothing whatever to make for good neighbourliness.

It was perfectly clear that neither side would be anything but dead-set against a union of the families.

For both of us the situation was bound to grow more diffi­cult. Already Rosalind’s mother had attempted some matchmaking; and I had seen my mother measuring one or two girls with a calculating, though so far unsatisfied, eye.

We were sure that, at present, neither side had an idea of anything between us. There was no more than acrid com­munication between the Strorms and the Mortons, and the only place where they could be found beneath the same roof was church. Rosalind and I met infrequently and very discreetly.

For the present there was an impasse, and it looked like an impasse of indefinite duration unless we should do something to force the situation. There was a possible way, and could we have been sure that Angus’ wrath would have taken the form of forcing a shotgun wedding we would have taken it; but we were by no means certain about that. Such was his opposition to all Strorms that there was, we considered, a strong likeli­hood that he might be prompted to use the gun another way. Moreover, we were sure that even if honour were forcibly preserved we should both of us be disowned by our families thereafter.

We discussed and explored lengthily for some pacific way out of the dilemma, but even when half a year had passed since Anne’s marriage we were no nearer reaching it.

As for the rest of our group, we found that in that six months the first alarm had lost its edge. That is not to say that we were easy in our minds: we had never been that since we discovered ourselves, but we had had to get used to living with a degree of threat, and once the crisis over Anne had passed we got used to living with a slightly-increased degree of threat.

Then, one Sunday at dusk, Alan was found dead in the field-path that led to his home, with an arrow through his neck.

We had the news first from Rachel, and we listened anxiously as she tried to make contact with her sister. She used all the concentration she could manage, but it was useless. Anne’s mind remained as firmly closed against us as it had been for the last eight months. Even in distress she transmitted nothing.

‘I’m going over to see her,’ Rachel told us. ‘She must have someone by her.’

We waited expectantly for an hour or more. Then Rachel came through again, very perturbed.

‘ She won’t see me. She won’t let me into the house. She’s let a neighbour in, but not me. She screamed at me to go away.’

‘ She must think one of us did it,’ came Michael’s response. ‘ Did any of you do it – or know anything about it?’

Our denials came in emphatically, one after another.

‘We’ve got to stop her thinking that,’ Michael decided.’ She mustn’t go on believing it. Try to get through to her.’

We all tried. There was no response whatever.

‘No good,’ Michael admitted. ‘You must get a note to her somehow, Rachel,’ he added. ‘Word it carefully so that she’ll understand we had nothing to do with it, but so that it won’t mean anything to anyone else.’

‘Very well. I’ll try,’ Rachel agreed doubtfully. Another hour passed, before we heard from her once more. ‘ It’s no good. I gave the note to the woman who’s there, and waited. When the woman came back she said Anne just tore it up without opening it. My mother’s in there now, trying to persuade her to come home.’ Michael was slow in replying to that. Then he advised:

‘We’d best be prepared. All of you make ready to run for it if necessary – but don’t rouse any suspicions. Rachel, keep on trying to find out what you can, and let us know at once if anything happens.’

I did not know what to do for the best. Petra was already in bed, and I could not rouse her without it being noticed. Be­sides, I was not sure that it was necessary. She certainly could not be suspected even by Anne of having had any part in the killing of Alan. It was only potentially that she could be con­sidered one of us at all, so I made no move beyond sketching a rough plan in my mind, and trusted that I should have enough warning to get us both clear.

The house had retired for the night before Rachel came through again.

‘We’re going home, mother and me,’ she told us. ‘Anne’s turned everyone out, and she’s alone there now. Mother wanted to stay, but Anne is beside herself and hysterical. She made them go. They were afraid she’d be worse if they insisted on staying. She’s told Mother she knows who’s responsible for Alan’s death, but she wouldn’t name anybody.’

‘You do think she means us? After all, it is possible that Alan may have had some bitter quarrel of his own that we know nothing about,’ Michael suggested.

Rachel was more than dubious. ‘If it were only that, she’d surely have let me in. She wouldn’t have screamed at me to go away,’ she pointed out. ‘I’ll go over early in the morning, and see if she’s changed her mind.’

With that we had to be content for the moment. We could relax a little for a few hours at least.

Rachel told us later what happened the following morning.

She had got up an hour after dawn and made her way across the fields to Anne’s house. When she reached it she had hesi­tated a little, reluctant to face the possibility of the same sort of screaming repulse that she had suffered the previous day. However, it was useless simply to stand there looking at the house; she plucked up courage and raised the knocker. The sound of it echoed inside and she waited. There was no result.

She tried the knocker again, more decisively. Still no one answered.

Rachel became alarmed. She hammered the knocker vigor­ously and stood listening. Then slowly and apprehensively she lowered her hand from the knocker, and went over to the house of the neighbour who had been with Anne the previous day.

With one of the logs from the woodpile they pushed in a window, and then climbed inside. They found Anne upstairs in her bedroom, hanging from a beam.

They took her down, between them, and laid her on the bed. They were too late by some hours to help her. The neighbour covered her with a sheet.

To Rachel it was all unreal. She was dazed. The neighbour took her by the arm to lead her out. As they were leaving she noticed a folded sheet of paper lying on the table. She picked it up.

‘ This’ll be for you, or maybe your parents,’ she said, putting it into Rachel’s hand.

Rachel looked at it dully, reading the inscription on the outside.

‘ But it’s not -‘ she began automatically.

Then she checked herself, and pretended to look at it more closely, as it occurred to her that the woman could not read.

‘ Oh, I see – yes, I’ll give it to them,’ she said, and slipped into the front of her dress the message that was addressed neither to herself, nor to her parents, but to the inspector.

The neighbour’s husband drove her home. She broke the news to her parents. Then, alone in her room, the one that Anne had shared with her before she had married, she read the letter.

It denounced all of us, including Rachel herself, and even Petra. It accused us collectively of planning Alan’s murder, and one of us, unspecified, of carrying it out.

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Categories: Wyndham, John