Jonathan Kellerman – Monster

Republican to an SDS honcho. By his senior year he was an unwashed, silent recluse who accumulated narcotics arrests, dropped out of sight for five years, finally ended up in an Iowa board-and-care home. I assumed he was still alive. There’d been no contact between us for over two decades. Our fathers hadn’t been close….

“There you go,” said Milo. “Tainted stock. Starkweather, here we come.”

“Starkweather’s only for the chosen few,” I said.

“Bad little madmen. So what makes crazy people violent?”

“Another Nobel question. The main ingredients seem to be alcohol and drug use and a strong delusional system. But not necessarily paranoia. Psychotics who kill usually aren’t trying to protect themselves from attack. They’re more likely to be acting on some paranormal or religious delusion-waging war against Satan, battling space aliens.”

“Wonder what Peake’s mission was.”

“God only knows,” I said. “Dope and booze were obviously in play. Maybe he thought the Ardullos were mantises from Pluto. Or nineteen years of twisted sexual impulses finally exploded. Or a random circuit in his brain shorted out. We just don’t know why some psychotics blow.”

“Great. I’ll never be out of work.” His voice drifted off.

“In one sense,” I said, “Peake’s typical. Schizophrenic breaks occur most frequently in young adulthood. And long before Peake fell apart, he’d been showing signs of schizotypy-it’s a fancy name for oddness. Low mental skills, social ineptitude, poor grooming, eccentricities. Some eccentrics stay mildly strange, others move on to full-blown schizophrenia.”

“Oddness,” he said. “Take a walk in the park, walk out of a restaurant, there’re some odd guys wanting spare change. Which one’s gonna start wielding the cleaver?”

I didn’t answer.

He said, “If Peake had any sort of thought system, he must have been in a helluva lot better shape than what we saw today.”

“Probably. Though behind all the tardive symptoms there could still be some thinking going on.”

“What does ‘tardive’ mean, exactly?”

“Late-onset. It’s a reaction to Thorazine.”

“Is it reversible?”

“No. At best, he won’t get worse.”

“And he’s still crazy. So what good’s the Thorazine doing him?”

“Neuroleptics are best at controlling delusions, hallucinations, bizarre behavior.

What psychiatrists call the positive symptoms of schizophrenia. The negatives-poor speech, flat mood, apathy, attentional problems-don’t usually respond. Drugs can’t put back what’s missing.”

“Well-behaved vegetables,” he said.

“Peake’s an extreme case, possibly because he didn’t start out with that much intellect. His T.D.’s also very severe. Though he’s not getting that much Thorazine.

Despite what Bollard told us about high-dosing, Peake’s prescription has remained at five hundred milligrams, well within the recommended range. They probably haven’t needed to high-dose him because he behaves himself. Behaves very little.

Psychologically, he’s disappeared.”

Milo removed the cigar, placed it between his index fingers, and sighted over the tobacco bridge. “If Peake was taken offThorazine, would he be able to talk more?”

“It’s possible. But he could also fall apart, maybe even revert to violence. And don’t forget, he was on Thorazine when he talked to Heidi. So he’s capable of speech while medicated. Are you still taking this in-a-box stuff seriously?”

“Nah…. I guess I can’t get away from the eye thing-hey, maybe I’m delusional and

Peake’s a true prophet. Maybe Satan has dispatched the Pluto Mantises.”

“Maybe,” I said, “but would he inform Peake?”

He laughed, chewed the cigar some more.” ‘Bad eyes in a box.'”

“For all we know, Claire tried talking to him about his crime and sparked some kind of memory. ‘In a box’ could mean his own incarceration. Or something else. Or nothing at all.”

“Okay, okay, enough of this,” he said, pocketing the cigar. “Back to basics: check out Claire’s finances and StargilFs. Go over Richard’s file again, too. For the hundredth time, but maybe there’s something I missed. And if you’re not jammed, now’s as good a time as any to go see Dr. Theobold at County. Maybe one of us will come up with something remotely resembling a factoid.”

He grinned. “Lacking that, I’ll settle for some juicy delusions.”

I CALLED DR. Myron Theobold’s office and got an appointment for ten-fifteen the next morning. By nine-forty-five I was clearing my head in the fast lane of the 10 East, enduring the crawl to the interchange, moving with the smog stream toward San

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