PROF. DEVANE: What did you go to college for?

MR. HUANG: To study engineering.

PROF. DEVANE: There’s more to learning than what goes on in the classroom.

MR. HUANG: All I want to do is study and mind my own business, okay? What this is about is she’s a racist.

MS. BRITTAIN: He is lying! He offered to help. All I needed was a start, I didn’t know the program, I was fine after that. But every time he saw me, he’d slither over. Then he asked me out and wouldn’t take no for an answer—several times. I’m empowered to say no, right? Why should I have to put up with that? It got to a point where I didn’t even want to go to the library. But I had a paper to write on MoliÈre—what’s he doing there, anyway? Engineering books are in the Engineering Library. He obviously hangs around to hit on women.”

More he-said, she-said, no witnesses. Devane asking all the questions, Devane summing up—pointing out that Deborah Brittain had come to her “suffering from extreme stress.”

She affirmed Brittain’s right to study anywhere she pleased, free of harassment, advised her gently to be aware of racial stereotypes that might “elicit miscommunication. Though I’m not saying that’s what happened here, Ms. Brittain.”

Then she lectured Patrick Huang about respecting women’s rights. Huang said he knew all that. Devane suggested he think about it, anyway, and warned him that he’d face suspension and possible expulsion if anyone else complained about him. No disciplinary actions taken.

Case 2:

A freshman English major named Cynthia Vespucci had attended a pre-Christmas-break party at the Chi Pi Omega fraternity house where she encountered a freshman business major named Kenneth Storm Jr. Recognizing him from high school, she danced with him. “Because even though most of the other guys were getting drunk and freaking out, he was a total gentleman that night.”

Vespucci and Storm began dating. Nothing sexual occurred until their fourth date, when Vespucci claimed Storm drove her to a remote spot in Bel Air, three miles above campus, and demanded intercourse. When she refused, Storm grabbed her arm. She smelled liquor on his breath, managed to pull away, and told him to let her drive. He then kicked her out of his car and threw her purse out, breaking the strap and scattering the contents, some of which, including her spare change, rolled into a storm drain. Driving off, he left her stranded. She tried gaining entrance to a residence, but all the houses were fenced and gated and no one answered her rings. She was forced to walk home to her sorority, ruining a pair of shoes and “causing me incredible fear.”

When asked to respond, Kenneth Storm refused, stating, “This is bullshit.”

Further prodding from Professor Devane produced “What the hell do you expect me to say?”

At that point, the graduate student, Casey Locking, entered the dialogue: “Look, guy, I’m a man but I don’t have any sympathy for men who rough up women. If what she says is true, you’ve got a lesson to learn and you’re lucky to be learning it young. If you disagree, speak up. But if you choose not to defend yourself, don’t complain later.”

Storm responded with “a train of expletives.”

Then, surprisingly, Cynthia Vespucci seemed to have a change of heart: “Okay, okay, let’s just have nothing to do with each other. Let’s just end this.” [Crying]

PROF. DEVANE: Here’s a tissue, Ms. Vespucci.

MS. VESPUCCI: I’m okay. Let’s just forget it.

PROF. DEVANE: Are you sure, Ms. Vespucci?

MS. VESPUCCI: I don’t know.

PROF. DEVANE: When you came to me you were very upset.

MS. VESPUCCI: I know. [Starting to cry] But I . . . now I want to stop it. Okay? Please?

PROF. DEVANE: Of course. We’re out for your best interests. You should remember, though, that a process has been set into motion.

MR. STORM: I don’t believe this! She said end it! What’re you going to do, kick me out? Fine, do it, go ahead and fucking do it, I don’t give a shit about you or this place or—

MR. LOCKING: Take it easy, man—

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