John D McDonald – Travis McGee 07 Darker Than Amber

I finally realized what she had in mind. She couldn’t risk staying in the Miami area. But if I could cruise to other waters, she’d help me get set up in the excursion business. She’d line up three or four fun kids, hire a cook and a maid, stock up with steaks and champagne and offer weekend excursions for the tired businessman at a thousand dollars a head. “Out of just three passengers, you could net better than a grand, McGee, believe me.

“Until somebody drops us both off a bridge, Vangie?”

“Come on! I was messed up in something a lot rougher than that. I should have known when I was well off, back when I was just a plain ordinary hustler. So I had to go and let myself get talked into this… this other kind of work. Most of the time I didn’t let it bother me. But once in a while, one of the johns would be different. Sweet, sort of. And then I’d think he should get a better deal than what he was going to get. It seemed too raw. And so… hell, I had a couple of drinks and got soft and hinted what was going to happen to him. I could have ruined the whole setup for everybody. But they got to him before he could get to the law, and that was that. But I was finished. They didn’t dare use me anymore, and couldn’t trust me not to fink on them if they cut me out of the action, so the only thing they could do was take me off the books for good. I knew that. I guess I blew it because I think my nerves had been going bad. You work a setup like that long enough and you begin to dream about those guys and what happened to them all. And you begin to imagine people are following you. If I hadn’t tried to tip that one off, it would have been the next one or the one after that. Look, you don’t buy the cruise boat idea, huh?”

“No thanks. Vangie, what kind of a setup were you in?”

“If you don’t know, you stay healthy. What I ought to do is blow the whistle on the whole group. But it would be a terrible thing to do to the other two gals who got pressured into it just like I did. I think they’ll crack sooner or later too. Anyway, the law could get so excited about it maybe I couldn’t make any kind of a deal anyway. When somebody lifts the lid off the pail of worms, it’s going to get very very warm for everybody, and you can believe it. What I keep thinking, I haven’t been a blonde since I was seventeen, and quit when my hair started cracking and splitting. There’s some money I can pick up if I can get to it, if they haven’t staked it out. I could get a nose job too, maybe, or something around the eyes they do to change you. And I heard if you make the right contacts, you can get set up pretty good in Australia lately. The bad thing is how… everybody’s getting nervous.”


“Because it’s been going on so long. You get the feeling the odds are going bad. Because they’re nervous, if they grab me again, they’ll take it out on me for scaring them by getting away. They’ll make me beg to be back down in that water wired to a rock.”

Meyer appeared to hand me my eleven o’clock bottle of chilled Tuborg. She turned toward him and said, “You sore or anything?”

“Should I be?”

“Maybe you should. But it’s kind of a thing with me, Meyer. I was in a Home for a while, and I had to do every kind of scut work there was and I swore I wouldn’t ever again, even if I had to use food money for maid service.”

He moved around her and against the rail. We talked. He asked gentle questions: she finished her drink at last and went below and came back with another just as tall and just as dark. I suspected that her nervousness about her future had been making her increasingly talkative with me. And the beginning of the second drink unfastened her tongue a little more. She began to try, quite obviously, to shock Meyer out of his placid and friendly acceptance of her, and in doing so gave us enough clues and false clues so we could fit together a coherent and plausible history.

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Categories: John D MacDonald