KINSMAN’S OATH By Susan Krinard

Kinsmen—the men and women who had chosen to stay with the Concordat when the Second War had broken out, splitting off from those who had gone to the shaauri. It was said that the strongest telepaths had allied with the shaauri. Yet Ronan knew that these were not weak or ineffectual minds.

Concordat Kinsmen such as these would have placed the mental shields in Cynara, Charis, Damon, and Miklos. Such minds might break through Ronan’s own shields and expose his true purpose.

Unless he proved himself their superior, as his masters had been so certain he would.

“I’m taking you to see the leader of our contingent of Kinsmen based on Persephone,” Miklos said. “I am aware that you occasionally dealt with shaauri Kinsmen, but you weren’t accepted among them. I think you’ll find a better welcome here.”

“Is my questioning to begin now?”

“No, indeed. This is informal introduction. Please be at ease.” He reached the end of a corridor and paused at an open door. The Kinswoman was already there to meet him, a female of average height, age, and build with thick black hair and golden skin.

“Lord Miklos,” she said with a smile and a glance at Ronan. “Please, come in.”

They did so, while Miklos’s men remained just outside. The Kinswoman’s office was large, with a pleasant view overlooking another part of the garden. She greeted Miklos and then offered chairs to both her guests.

Miklos sat. Ronan continued to stand even when VelShaan chose another seat across from them.

“I believe you know why I’ve come today, Mes Carter VelShaan,” Miklos said. “This young man is, of course, Ser Ronan VelKalevi, who has just come to us from the Pegasus and Dharma. Ronan, may I introduce Mes Brit Carter VelShaan.”

Ronan met the woman’s eyes. If she had lived among shaauri at all—which her age made possible, since Kinsman children generally spent part of their childhood with their adopted Line, and she might have done so before the outbreak of war—she would grasp the fine nuances of his gaze. He did not offer challenge, admit lesser standing, nor acknowledge kinship. This was her territory, and hers was the first move.

“Welcome, sh’kei’eivalin,” she said in stilted Voishaaur. “Here are you among kin.”

The swift acknowledgment amazed and troubled him. She called him “Clan brother,” acknowledging him as distant kin, not of Line but Clan, granted the protection of her House. Not all Clan-kin were given such privileges. Clans were large, like nations, and Lines within them might be at conflict.

As his Line must be with hers.

“I am honored, Aho’Ken,” he answered, with the inflection that acknowledged her courtesy and rank.

She smiled, close-mouthed. “As am I, sh’eivalin. We will speak in Standard,” she said with a nod at Lord Miklos.

“Very good,” Miklos said. “You and your fellow Kinsmen, Mes Carter VelShaan, will be invaluable in re-introducing Ser VelKalevi to humanity after his long stay among shaauri.”

VelShaan studied Ronan more carefully. “I know this will be a difficult time for you, Ronan. We’ll do all we can to help.”

“After you probe my mind.”

She, like Miklos, failed to take offense. “It is necessary, as I’m sure you understand. A human raised since early childhood among a human-hating Line like Kalevi may have… suffered far more than physical scars.”

“Shaan was allied to humans, like Arhan.”

“Still is, we believe, though communications have been sporadic at best. The prohuman Lines have been under constant pressure since the War began. Perhaps you will be able to update our incomplete intelligence on current shaauri politics.”

“It is why I am here.”

“Of course.” She offered refreshments, which Miklos accepted. A moment later she returned with three steaming mugs of liquid that Ronan immediately recognized as arao. His mouth watered.

“Ah,” Miklos said with approval. “I’ve developed a taste for this stuff ever since Kori made me try it.”

Ronan took his mug and savored the complex aroma of spices, fruit, and nuts. He drank the arao with real gratitude, only recalling afterward that it was the human way to drug potential enemies.

“There is so much we have yet to learn from the shaauri—those Lines that don’t hate humanity,” VelShaan said. “Our goal is, and has always been, lasting peace and understanding. As long as the antihuman factions control shaauri politics, we have little hope of progress. You may provide the key.” She finished her drink and set it aside. “I understand that your telepathy was tampered with when you were a child. We’ll do everything possible to heal and train you to use your gifts properly. You’ll become one of us.”

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Categories: Krinard, Susan