Knight of shadows by Roger Zelazny. Chapter 1, 2

“Win a few, lose a few,” I said. “I’m willing to bet there are still features of those days that puzzle you.”

“Such as?” she asked.

“Such as why none of those April thirtieth attempts on my life succeeded.”

“I assume Rinaldo sabotaged me some way, tipped you off.”


“What, then?”

“The ty’iga. She’s under a compulsion to protect me. You might recall her from those days, as she resided is the body of Gail Lampron.”

“Gail? Rinaldo’s girlfriend? My son was dating a demon?”

“Let’s not be prejudiced. He’d done a lot worse his freshman year.”

She thought a moment, then nodded slowly.

“You’ve got a point there,” she admitted. “I’d forgotten Carol. And you still have no idea-beyond what the thing admitted back in Amber-as to why this was going on?”

“I still don’t know,” I said.

“It casts that entire period in an even stranger light,” she mused, “especially since our paths have crossed again. I wonder…?”


“Whether she was there to protect you or to thwart me-your bodyguard or my curse?”

“Hard to say, since the results came to the same thing.”

“But she’s apparently been hanging around you most recently, which would seem to indicate the former.”

“Unless, of course, she knows something we don’t.”

“Such as?”

“Such as the possibility of a conflict developing between us again.”

She smiled.

“You should have gone to law school,” she said. “You’re as devious as your relatives back in Amber. I can be truthful, though, in saying I have nothing planned that could be taken that way.”

I shrugged.

“Just a thought. Please continue with Julia’s story.” She proceeded to eat several mouthfuls. I kept her company, then discovered I could not stop eating. I glanced at Mandor, but he remained inscrutable. He’ll never admit to magically enhancing a flavor or laying a compulsion on diners to clean their plates. Either way, we did finish the course before she spoke again. And I could hardly complain, considering.

“Julia studied with a variety of teachers after you two broke up,” she began. “Once I hit upon my plan, it was a simple matter to cause them to do or say things which would disillusion or discourage her and set her to looking for someone else. It was not long before she came to Victor, who was already under our tutelage. I ordered him to sweeten her stay and to skip many of the usual preliminaries and to proceed to teaching her about an initiation I had chosen for her-“

“That being?” I interrupted. “There are an awful lot of initiations around, with a variety of specialized ends.”

She smiled and nodded, breaking a roll and buttering it.

“I led her myself through a version of my own-the Way of the Broken Pattern.”

“Sounds like something dangerous from the Amber end of Shadow.“

“I can’t fault your geography,” she said. “But it is not all that dangerous if you know what you’re doing.”

“It is my understanding,” I said, “that those Shadow worlds which contain shadows of the Pattern can only hold imperfect versions and that this always represents a hazard.”

“It is a hazard only if one does not know how to deal with it.”

“And you had Julia walk this-Broken Pattern?”

“My knowledge of what you refer to as walking the Pattern is restricted to what my late husband and Rinaldo have told me of it. I believe that you follow the lines from a definite external beginning to an interior point where the power comes to you?”

“Yes,” I acknowledged.

“In the Way of the Broken Pattern,” she explained, “you enter through the imperfection and make your way to the center.”

“How can you follow the lines if they are broken or imperfect? The real Pattern would destroy you if you departed the design.”

“You don’t follow the lines. You follow the interstices,” she said.

“And when you emerge…wherever?” I asked.

“You bear the image of the Broken Pattern within you.”

“And how do you conjure with this?”

“Through the imperfection. You summon the image, and it is like a dark well from which you draw power.”

“And how do you travel among shadows?”

“Much as you do-as I understand it,” she said. “But the break is always with you.”

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