Knight of shadows by Roger Zelazny. Chapter 9, 10

“I don’t know whether I can get hold of it,” I said, “but I’ll remember that.”

“Give it to me,” the Logrus said to Ghost, “and I will take you with me as First Servant.”

“You are a processor of data,” said the Pattern. “I will give you knowledge such as none in all of Shadow possess.”

“I will give you power,” said the Logrus.

“Not interested,” said Ghost, and the cylinder spun and vanished.

The girl, the Jewel, and everything were gone.

The Logrus wailed, the Pattern growled, and the Signs of both Powers rushed to meet, somewhere near Bleys’s nearer room.

I raised every protective spell that I could. Behind me I could feel Mandor doing the same. I covered my head, I drew up my knees, I-

I was falling. Through a bright, soundless concussion. Bits of debris struck me. From several directions. I’d a hunch that I had just bought the farm and that I was about to die without opportunity to reveal my insight into the nature of reality: The Pattern did not care about the children of Amber any more than the Logrus did about those of the Courts of Chaos. The Powers cared, perhaps, about themselves, about each other, about heavy cosmic principles, about the Unicorn and the Serpent, of which they were very probably but geometric manifestations They did not care about me, about Coral, about Mandor, probably not even about Oberon or Dworkin himself. We were totally insignificant or at most tools or sometimes annoyances, to be employed or destroyed as the occasion warranted-

“Give me your hand,” Dworkin said, and I saw him, as in a Trump contact. I reached and-

fell hard at his feet upon a colorful rug spread over a stone floor, in a windowless chamber my father had once described to me, filled with books and exotic artifacts, lit by bowls of light which hung without visible means of support high in the air.

“Thanks,” I said, rising slowly, brushing myself off, massaging a sore spot in my left thigh.

“Caught a whiff of your thoughts,” he said “There’s more to it.”

“I’m sure. But sometimes I enjoy being bleak-minded. How much of that crap the Powers were arguing about was true?”

“Oh, all of it,” Dworkin said, “by their lights The biggest bar to understanding is the interpretation they put on each other’s doings. That, and the fact that everything can always be pushed another step backward – such as the break in the Pattern having strengthened the Logrus and the possibility that the Logrus actively influenced Brand into doing it. But then the Logrus might claim this was in retaliation for the Day of the Broken Branches several centuries ago.”

“I haven’t heard about that one,” I said.

He shrugged.

“I’m not surprised. It wasn’t all that important a matter, except to them. What I’m saying is that to argue as they do is to head into an infinite regression-back to first causes, which are always untrustworthy.”

“So what’s the answer?”

“Answer? This isn’t a classroom There are no answers that would matter, except to a philosopher-that is, none with any practical applications.”

He poured a small cup of green liquid from a silver flask and passed it to me.

“Drink this,” he said.

“It’s a little early in the day for me.”

“It’s not refreshment. It’s medication,” he explained. “You’re in a state of near shock, whether you’ve noticed or not.”

I tossed the thing off, and it burned like a liquor but didn’t seem to be one. I did feet myself beginning to relax during the next few minutes, in places I had not even realized I was tense.

“Coral, Mandor. . .” I said.

He gestured, and a glowing globe descended, drew nearer. He signed the air with a half familiar gesture, and something like the Logrus Sign without the Logrus came over me. A picture formed within the globe.

That long section of hallway where the encounter had occurred had been destroyed, along with the stairs, Benedict’s apartment, and possibly Gerard’s as well. Also, Bleys’s rooms, portions of my own, the sitting room I had been occupying but a short time before, and the northeast corner of the library were missing, as were the floor and ceiling. Below, I could see that sections of the kitchen and armory had been hit, and possibly more across the way Looking upward-magic globes being wondrous accommodating-I could see sky, which meant that the blast had gone through the third and fourth floors, possibly damaging the royal suite along with the upper stairways and maybe the laboratory-and who knew what all else.

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