Laumer, Keith – Dinosaur Beach

“Fortunate that your thinking didn’t lead you one step farther,” he said. “If you had eluded my recovery probe, the work of millennia might have been destroyed.”

“Futile work,” I said.

“Indeed? Perhaps you’re wrong, Agent. Accepting the apparent conclusion that you represent a Sixth Era does not necessarily imply your superiority. Retrogressions have occurred in history.” He tried to say this in the same machined-steel tone he’d been using, but a faint, far-off whisper of uncertainty showed through.

I knew then what the interview was all about. He was probing, trying to assess the tiger he had by the tail. Trying to discover where the power lay.

“Not this time,” I said. “Not any time, really.”

“Nonetheless—you’re here,” he said flatly.

“Use your head,” I said. “Your operation’s been based on the proposition that your era, being later, can see pitfalls the Nexx people couldn’t. Doesn’t it follow that a later era can see your mistakes?”

“We are making no mistakes.”

“If you weren’t, I wouldn’t be here.”

“Impossible!” he said, as if he believed it—or as if he wanted awfully badly to believe it. “For seventeen thousand years a process of disintegration has proceeded, abetted by every effort to undo it. When man first interfered with the orderly flow of time, he sowed the seeds of eventual chaos. By breaking open the entropic channel, he allowed the incalculable forces of temporal progression to diffuse across an infinite spectrum of progressively weaker matrices. Life is a product of time. When the density of the temporal flux falls below a critical value, life ends. Our intention is to prevent that ultimate tragedy—only that, and no more! We cannot fail!”

“You can’t rebuild a past that never was,” I said, “or preserve a future that won’t happen.”

“That is not our objective. Ours is a broad program of reknitting the temporal fabric by bringing together previously divergent trends; by grafting wild shoots back into the mainstem of time. We are apolitical; we support no ideology. We are content to preserve the vitality of the continuum.”

“And of yourselves,” I said.

He looked at me strangely, as if lost.

“Have you ever considered a solution that eliminated you and all your works from existence?” I asked him.

“Why should I?”

“You’re one of the results of all this time-meddling you’re dead set on correcting,” I pointed out. “But I doubt if you’d entertain the idea of any timegraft that would wither your own particular branch of the tree.”

“Why should I? That would be self-defeating. How can we police the continuum if we don’t exist?”

“A good question,” I said.

“I have one other,” he said in the tone of a man who has just settled an argument with a telling point. “What motivation could your era have for working to destroy the reality core on which any conceivable future must depend?”

I felt like sighing, but I didn’t. I got my man-to-man look into position and said, “The first Timesweepers set out to undo the mistakes of the past. Those who came after them found themselves faced with a bigger job: cleaning up after the cleaners-up. Nexx Central tried to take the broad view, to put it all back, good and bad, where it was before the meddling started. Now you’re even more ambitious. You’re using Nexx Central to manipulate not the past, but the future—”

“Operations in future time are an impossibility,” he said flatly, like Moses laying down the laws.

“Uh-huh. But to you, the Fifth Era isn’t future, remember? That gives you the edge. But you should have been smarter than that. If you can kibitz the past, what’s to keep your future from kibitzing you?”

“Are you attempting to tell me that any effort to undo the damage, to reverse the trend toward dissolution, is doomed?”

“As long as any man tries to put a harness on his own destiny, he’ll defeat himself. Every petty dictator who ever tried to enforce a total state discovered that, in his own small way. The secret of man is his unchainability. His existence depends on uncertainty, insecurity: the chance factor. Take that away and you take all.”

“This is a doctrine of failure and defeat,” he said flatly. “A dangerous doctrine. I intend to fight it with every resource at my command. It will now be necessary for you to inform me fully as to your principals: who sent you here, who directs your actions, where your base of operations is located. Everything.”

“I don’t think so.”

He made a swift move and I felt a sort of zinging in the air. Or in a medium less palpable than air. When he spoke again, his voice had taken on a flat, unresonant quality.

“You feel very secure, Agent. You, you tell yourself, represent a more advanced era, and are thus the immeasurable superior of any more primitive power. But a muscular fool may chain a genius. I have trapped you here. We are now safely enclosed in an achronic enclave of zero temporal dimensions, totally divorced from any conceivable outside influence. You will find that you are effectively immobilized; any suicide equipment you may possess is useless, as is any temporal transfer device. And even were you to die, your brain will be instantly tapped and drained of all knowledge, both at conscious and subconscious levels.”

“You’re quite thorough,” I said, “but not quite thorough enough. You covered yourself from the outside—but not from the inside.”

He frowned; he didn’t like that remark. He sat up straighter in his chair and made a curt gesture to the gunhandlers on either side of me. I knew his next words would be the kill order. Before he could say them, I triggered the thought-code that had been waiting under multiple levels of deep hypnosis for this moment. He froze just like that, with his mouth open and a look of deep bewilderment in his eyes.


The eclipse-like light of nulltime stasis shone on his taut face, on the faces of the two armed men standing rigid with their fingers already tightening on their firing studs. I went between them, fighting the walking-through-syrup sensation, and out into the passageway. The only sound was the slow, all-pervasive, metronome-like beat that some theoreticians say represents the basic frequency rate of the creation-destruction cycle of reality.

Room by room, I checked every square inch of the installation. The personnel were all in place, looking like the inhabitants of the enchanted castle where the sleeping beauty lay. I took my time going through the files and records. The Fifth Era infiltrators had done their work well. There was nothing here to give any indication of how far in the subjective future their operation was based, no clues to the extent of their penetration of Nexx Central’s sweep programs. This was data that would have been of interest, but wasn’t essential. I had accomplished phase one of my basic mission: smoking out the random factor that had been creating anomalies in the long-range time maps of the era.

Of a total of one hundred and twelve personnel in the station, four were Fifth Era transferees, a fact made obvious in the stasis condition by the distinctive aura that their abnormally high temporal potential created around them. I carried out a mindwipe on pertinent memory sectors, and triggered them back to their loci of origin. There would be a certain amount of head-scratching and equipment re-examining when the original efforts to jump them back to their assignments at Nexx Central apparently failed; but as far as temporal operations were concerned, all four were permanently out of action, trapped in the same type of closed-loop phenomenon that had been used on me.

The files called for some attention, too: I carried out a tape-scan in situ, edited the records to eliminate all evidence that might lead Nexx inspectors into undesirable areas of speculation.

I was just finishing up the chore when I heard the sound of footsteps in the corridor outside the record center.


Aside from the fact that nothing not encased in an eddy-field like the one that allowed me to operate in nulltime could move here, the intrusion wasn’t too surprising. I had been hoping for a visitor of some sort; the situation almost demanded it.

He came through the door, a tall, fine-featured, totally hairless man elegantly dressed in a scarlet suit with brocaded designs in deep purple, like mauve eels coiling through red seaweed. He gave the room one of those flick-flick glances that prints the whole picture on the brain to ten decimals in a one-microsecond gestalt, nodded to me as if I were a casual acquaintance encountered at the club.

“You are very efficient,” he said. He spoke with no discernible accent, but with a rather strange rhythm to his speech, as if perhaps he were accustomed to talking a lot faster. His voice was calm, a nice musical baritone.

“Not so very,” I said. “I went through considerable waste motion. There were a couple of times when I wondered who was conning whom.”

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