Lee, Tanith – Birthgrave 01 – The Birthgrave

In my basalt cage, I would sit on a high-backed chair, and men and women would come in to me, and throw themselves down. Their clothes were very rich, and their jewelry crashed against the marble. Only the gold or silver ones gained access to their goddess. Here was I again in the village Temple, or among the bandit tents. They begged me for health, for the love of others, for power, both temporal and of the spirit. Sickness I could remove with a touch, but emotional command over their fellows I would not give them. That was my right, not theirs. To their cries for honor and position I referred them to the Javhovor. On the days when I stood in the Temple, thousands came and bowed down before me. Women screamed and wept. Yet I was impotent, I waited in the shadow of a man they had forgotten. In those days of act-


ing like a mindless machine, I grew very like one. I scarcely seemed to think at all, or to feel.

The fat priest Oparr, who had led me to the statue, was my principal attendant, and I supposed, Vazkor’s spy. He ushered in my visitors, and stood behind my chair while they groveled. He now had become my chief priest, in the wake of the votary I had killed, but he was Vazkor’s man. Vazkor had raised Oparr from obscure nothingness (this much was evident), planted him like a rank weed in the Temple garden, and watered where he could his growth there. Now the weed was the tree-pillar of Vazkor’s house. What other men he had set in high places, I did not yet know, but I guessed there would be many, all with a taste for command and for the good things it brought, very loyal to the man who had given them so much, and too stupid to see even further profit in overthrowing their benefactor. Clever Vazkor; yet he had gambled with me.

The City had been in tumult at my rising, yet I did not see it. The other five allied Cities of the White Desert were looking frenziedly to their own altars.

My place in the Temple was very quiet. The windows stared out upon courtyards and great leafless trees. On the thirtieth day of my god-head and imprisonment, snow fell and turned the black stones white. It was the first winter I had seen-I recalled no cold time from my lost childhood. Worse than in the mountains, this snow. It fell without a sound, and now the desert would be white indeed.

“The Javhovor is coming,” Oparr said, standing fat before me. “The Javhovor asks that the goddess will grant him a little time in her holy presence.”

“Where is Vazkor?” I asked at once.

“Vazkor, High Commander, will naturally attend his lord, the Javhovor.”


“The time it will take the Javhovor’s ring bird to fly back to the palace.”

I had not seen Vazkor all this time. I did not know what he desired me to do or say to his overlord, this man he intended to replace. I gave Oparr one of my golden rings to put on the leg of the carrier bird, accepted in exchange the gold ring of the Javhovor, set with an onyx and carved with the crest of the phoenix.

It did not take long. I suppose they came through the snow, but the way was cleared for them. I am not certain


what I expected, but I think I was looking for a Raspar of Ankurum, even another Geret perhaps.

The Javhovor entered, attended by three men only, and one of these was Vazkor. The Javhovor was tall, straightly and slimly built. The golden phoenix mask he drew off at once, presumably out of respect for me. His face was delicately shaped, chiseled too fine perhaps, extraordinarily beautiful, and yet not feminine in the least, and he was very young, not more than sixteen years of age.

Despite his youth he was poised, quiet and elegant in his movements. He bowed to me deeply, but did not fall down as the others had. His skin was pale and clear, the eyes an intense black-blue. In the lamplight of the room his long hair shone golden as the mask he had removed from it.

“I am your servant, goddess,” he said gravely, and I sensed a spark of polite defiance in him for the one who had come so abruptly from nowhere.

“What does the lord desire of Uastis?” I inquired. It was the usual manner of asking those who came to me.

‘To pay my respects. To see the goddess for myself. To question her, if she permits. I am very curious; I hope the goddess will not be angry.”

“Curiosity,” I said, “does not generally move the anger of the gods.”

He smiled, courteous and unruffled. Half turning, he spoke to his three companions. “You may leave us.”

“My lord,” the tall man with the wolf’s mask said, “it is unfitting you should have no guard.”

“Vazkor, Vazkor, I am not afraid. The goddess is my guard against all harm.”

They left him, Vazkor also, and then Oparr, sliding his smooth unctuous passage out of the room. We were alone, the Javhovor of Ezlann and I.

There was a single bench against one wall. Now he carried it forward and sat on it. His slenderness had misled me, I had not thought him particularly strong, yet the bench was marble, and a big cumbersome thing. He sat easily, looking into my mask face, because of the bench, a little lower than I.

“May I ask what I want?”

“You may ask,” I said.

“And the answers are at the goddess’ discretion? I understand well. Where did you come from, goddess?”

It was hard to make an assessment. Vazkor had sent me no warning. I had not expected to meet such courteous probing.


“From the Old Race,” I said.

“But the Old Race is gone, goddess. They say you slept, then woke.”

“Yes,” I said, “beneath a far mountain.”

“And now you have come to Ezlann. Why?”

“Ezlann is my City. She has worshiped me since before my waking.”

“How did the goddess come to Ezlann?”

“I came here,” I said. “That is enough.”

“And how did the goddess enter the Temple, learn of the hidden door and the secret machinery?”

“I entered,” I said, “and I learned. That is enough.”

“There is a legend already,” he said, “that Uastis in the form of the golden phoenix flew through the stone wall of her Temple, and burned herself in the watchfire at the altar, and rose again. They say she has lived among many peoples and been their god, that she has died and returned to life, that the look of her face is so terrible it will turn to stone any man that sees it, that her body is filled with a serpent, and her brain is hewn from jade.”

“Some things are hidden,” I said.

“Once,” he said softly, not looking at me, “an assassin was sent to kill my High Commander, Vazkor. He has enemies, goddess, and these things happen. Usually men die. I have heard what happened-Vazkor’s guard ran in and found the man had stabbed him several times in the chest and throat, yet it was the murderer who was dead. Vazkor had snapped his neck in the very act of killing. They assumed Vazkor would perish from his wounds, but he did not. You have seen as much. And this I know”-he looked at me and smiled “because I, too, must have spies, goddess.”

I was not sure what I should do. I said nothing. After a moment the Javhovor rose.

“Power,” he said. “I know you could blast me where I stand, as you did the priest. But you are not an angry goddess. There is another part to the legend. Have you heard it?”

My only strength was in silence, so I waited.

“The legend states that the goddess will take as husband the High-Lord of her City. A parable of unity between religion and the state. Already the people of Ezlann are calling for it.”

Yes, he was very dangerous, perhaps more dangerous than Vazkor, for his weapon was honesty. I wondered what


Vazkor would want from me in this situation, and wondered also what I would want.

“You,” I said, “are mortal.”

“Of course,” he said, “very mortal. The assassin who puts a knife in my heart need fear nothing further from me.”

“I do not know what to say to you,” I said. “I must have time to seek an answer within myself.”

He bowed, and smiled again, without warmth.

“There are prayers daily in your Temple for our union. Such a passion for tidiness.”

He put on the phoenix mask, and turned towards the doors. As he drew near, they were whisked open by his servants outside, who must have been listening all the time, surely, to be able to judge his exit so perfectly.

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Categories: Lee, Tanith