Lensman 03 – Galactic patrol – E.E. Doc Smith

and the sheer, dominating power he had just shown. Toward what conclusion did that

fact point?

The furious anger disappeared from Helmuth’s face as though it had been wiped

therefrom with a sponge, and he became again the cold calculating mechanism of flesh

and blood that he ordinarily was. This conception changed matters entirely. This was

not an ordinary revolt of an ordinary subordinate. The man had done something which

he could not possibly do. So what? The Lens again . . . . . again that accursed

Lensman, the one who had somehow learned really to use his Lens!

“Wolmark call every vessel at Boyssia base,” he directed crisply. “Keep on

calling them until someone answers. Get whoever is in charge there now and put him

on me here.”

A few minutes of silence followed, then Vice-Commander Krimsky reported in full

everything that had happened and told of the threatened destruction of the base.

“You have an automatic speedster there, have you not?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Turn over command to the next in line, with orders to move to the nearest base,

taking with him as much equipment as is possible. Caution him to leave on time,

however, for I very strongly suspect that it is now too late to do anything to prevent the

destruction of the base. You, alone, take the speedster and bring away the personal

files of the men who went with Blakeslee. A speedster will meet you at a point to be

designated later and relieve you of the records.”

An hour passed. Two, then three.

“Wolmark! Blakeslee and the hospital ship have vanished, I presume?”

“They have.” The underling, expecting a verbal flaying, was greatly surprised at

the mildness of his chief’s tone and at the studious serenity of his face.

“Come to the center.” Then, when the lieutenant was seated, “I do not suppose

that you as yet realize what – or rather, who – it is that is doing this?”

“Why, Blakeslee is doing it, of course.”

“I thought so, too, at first. That was what the one who really did it wanted us to


“It must have been Blakeslee. We saw him do it, sir – how could it have been

anyone else?”

“I do not know. I do know, however, and so should you, that he could not have

done it. Blakeslee, of himself, is of no importance whatever.”

“We’ll catch him, sir, and make him talk. He can’t get away.”

“You will find that you will not catch him and that he can get away. Blakeslee

alone, of course, could not do so, any more than he could have done the things he

apparently did do. No. Wolmark, we are not dealing with Blakeslee.”

“Who then, sir?”

“haven’t you deduced that yet? The Lensman, fool — the same Lensman who

has been thumbing his nose at us ever since he took one of our first-class battleships

with a speed-boat and a firecracker.”

“But-how could he?”

“Again I admit that I do not know-yet. The connection, however, is quite evident.

Thought. Blakeslee was thinking thoughts utterly beyond him. The Lens comes from

Arisia. The Arisians are masters of thought-of mental forces and processes

incomprehensible to any of us. These are the elements which, when fitted together, will

give us the complete picture.”

“I don’t see how they fit.’

“Neither do I-yet. However, surely he can’t trace . . . . ”

“Just a moment! The time has come when it is no longer safe to say what that

Lensman can or cannot do. Our communicator beams are hard and tight, yes. But any

beam can be tapped if enough power be applied to it, and any beam that can be tapped

can be traced. I expect him to visit us here, and we shall be prepared for his visit. That

is the reason for this conference with you. Here is a device which generates a field

through which no thought can penetrate. I have had this device for some time, but for

obvious reasons have not released it. Here are the diagrams and complete

constructional data. Have a few hundred of them made with all possible speed, and see

to it that every being upon this planet wears one continuously. Impress upon everyone,

and I will also, that it is of the utmost importance that absolutely continuous protection

be maintained, even while changing batteries.

“Experts have been working for some time upon the problem of protecting the

entire planet with a screen, and there is some little hope of success in the near future,

but individual protection will still be of the utmost importance. We cannot impress it too

forcibly upon everyone that every man’s life is dependent upon each one maintaining

his thought-screen in full operation at all times. That is all.”

When the messenger brought in the personal files of Blakeslee and the other

deserters, Helmuth and his psychologists went over them with minutely painstaking

care. The more they studied them the clearer it became that the chief’s conclusion was

the correct one. THE Lensman could read minds.

Reason and logic told Helmuth that the Lensman’s only purpose in attacking the

Boyssian base was to get a line on Grand Base, that Blakeslee’s flight and the

destruction of the base were merely diversions to obscure the real purpose of the visit,

that the Lensman had staged that theatrical performance especially to hold him,

Helmuth, while his beam was being traced, and that that was the only reason why the

visiset was not sooner put out of action, and finally, that the Lensman had scored

another clean hit.

He, Helmuth himself, had been caught flat-footed, and his face hardened and his

jaw set at the thought. But he had not been taken in. He was forewarned and he would

be ready, for he was coldly certain that Grand Base and he himself were the real

objectives of the Lensman. That Lensman knew full well that any number of ordinary

bases, ships, and men could be destroyed without damaging materially the Boskonian


Steps must be taken to make Grand Base as impregnable to mental forces as it

already was to physical ones. Otherwise, it might well be that even Helmuth’s own life

would presently be at stake-a thing precious indeed. Therefore council after council was

held, every contingency that could be thought of was brought up and discussed, every

possible precaution was taken. In short, every resource of Grand Base was devoted to

the warding off of any possible mental threat which might be forthcoming.

* * *

Kinnison approached that star cluster with care. Small though it was, as cosmic

groups go, it yet was composed of some hundreds of stars and an unknown number of

planets. Any one of those planets might be the one he sought, and to approach it

unknowingly might prove disastrous. Therefore he slowed down to a crawl and crept up,

light-year by light-year, with his ultra-powered detectors fanning out before him to the

limit of their unimaginable reach.

He had more than half expected that he would have to search that cluster, world

by world, but in that, at least, he was pleasantly disappointed. One corner of one of his

plates began to show a dim glow of detection. A bell tinkled and Kinnison directed his

most powerful master plate into the region indicated. This plate, while of very narrow

field, had tremendous resolving power and magnification, and in it he saw that there

were eighteen small centers of radiation surrounding one vastly larger one.

There was no doubt then as to the location of Helmuth’s base, but there arose

the question of approach. The Lensman had not considered the possibility of a screen

of lookout ships-if they were close enough together so that the electromagnetics had

even a fifty percent overlap, he might as well go back home. What were those outposts,

and exactly how closely were they spaced? He observed, advanced, and observed

again, computing finally that, whatever they were, they were so far apart that there

could be no possibility of any electro overlap at all. He could get between them easily

enough-he wouldn’t even have to baffle his flares. They could not be guards at all,

Kinnison concluded, but must be simply outposts, set far outside the solar system of the

planet they guarded, not to ward off one-man speedsters, but to warn Helmuth of the

possible approach of a force large enough to threaten Grand Base.

Closer and closer Kinnison flashed, discovering that the central object was

indeed a base, startling in its immensity and completely and intensively fortified, and

that the outposts were huge, floating fortresses, practically stationary in space relative

to the sun of the solar system they surrounded. The Lensman aimed at the center of

the imaginary square formed by four of the outposts and drove in as close to the planet

as he dared. Then, going inert, he set his speedster into an orbit-he did not care

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Categories: E.E Doc Smith