Little Myth Marker By Robert Asprin

Nunzio might not be an intellectual giant or the swiftest with I’ve known, but I found his simple honesty touching … not to mention the loyalty it implied.

“Well, you’ve got a job here as long as I’ve got anything to say about it.” I assured him.

“Thanks, Boss. I was startin’ to get a little tired of how the Mob operates, know what I mean?” That rang a bell in my mind.

“Speaking of that, Nunzio, do you think the Mob would ever get involved with something like this character assassination thing?”

The bodyguard’s brow furrowed with the effort of thinking.

“Naw!” he said at last. “Mostly people pay us not to do things. If we do have to do a number on someone, it’s usually to make an example of them and we do something flashy like burn down their house or break their legs. Who would know it if we wrecked their career? What Tananda was sayin’ about the Ax was interesting, but it’s just not our style.”

“Not even for the right price?” I urged. “How much do you think it would take to get Don Bruce to send someone in here after us?”

“I dunno. I’d have to say at least. . . wait a minute! Are you askin’ if Bunny’s the Ax?”

“Well, she did…”

“Forget it. Boss. Even if she could handle the job, which I’m not too sure she could, Don Bruce would never send her after you. Heck, you’re one of his favorite chieftains right now. You should hear him …”

Nunzio suddenly pressed his palms against his cheeks to make exaggerated jowls as he spoke. “. . . Dat Skeeve, he’s really got it on the ball, know what I mean? Mercy! If I had a hundred like him I could take over dis whole organization.”

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