Little Myth Marker By Robert Asprin

“What I can’t figure out,” I said, “is why you tried it in the first place. I’ve always played it pretty straight with you.”

At least Don Bruce had the grace to look embarrassed. “I know, I know. It seemed like a good idea at the time, is all. I was in a bit of a spot, and it seemed like a harmless way out.”

“Harmless? Harmless! That’s my whole life and career we’re talking about.”

“Hey! C’mon, Skeeve. Aren’t you exaggerating a little bit there! I don’t think…”


“Well, I still think you’d make a good husband for her…”

“Exaggerating? Aahz, are you listening to…”

As I turned to appeal to my partner, I noticed he was laughing so hard he was spilling the wine. Of all the reactions I might have expected from him, laughing wasn’t…

Then it hit me.


“Of course. Isn’t that what we’ve been talkin’ about?”

“Skeeve here thinks that your niece is the Ax and that you turned her loose on him to destroy his career,” my partner managed between gasps.

“The Ax???”


“Are you crazy??”

“One of us is!!”

“How about both?” Aahz grinned, stepping between us. “Wine, anyone?”

“But he said…”

“What about…”

“Gentlemen, gentlemen. It’s clear that communications have gotten a little fouled up between the two of you. I suggest you each take some wine and we’ll start all over again from the top.”

Almost mechanically, we both reached for the wine, eyeing each other all the while like angry cats.

“Very good,” my partner nodded. “Now then, Don Bruce, as the visiting team I believe you have first serve.”

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