Little Myth Marker By Robert Asprin

“Skeeve. SKEEVE! Have you got a moment?”

I glanced around to find the Geek standing at my elbow.

“Sure, Geek,” I shrugged. “What can I do for you?”

The Deveel seemed extremely nervous, his complexion several shades off its normal hue. “I … you can promise not to hold a grudge. I promise you that tonight was none of my doing. All I did was make the arrangements after the Kid issued the challenge. I didn’t give him your name… honest.”

To say the least, I found his attitude surprising.

“Sure, Geek. I never thought you …”

“If I had known it would lead to this, I never would have invited you to my game in the first place, much less…”

I was suddenly very alert.

“Wait a minute. Geek! What are you talking about? “

“You’re out-classed!” the Deveel explained, glancing around fearfully. “You don’t stand a chance against the Kid. I just want you to understand, if you lose all your money tonight, that I didn’t mean to set you up. I don’t want you or your crew looking for me with blood in your respective eyes.”

Now, as you know, I knew that I was out-classed. What intrigued me was that the Geek knew it, too. “Geek, I think we’d better…”

A loud burst of applause and cheers interrupted me.

By the time I got through craning my neck to see what was going on, the Geek had disappeared into the crowd.

With that discussion closed, I turned my attention again to the subject at hand.

“Who’s that?” I said, nodding toward the figure that had just entered the club.

Aahz slid a comforting arm around my shoulders.

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