Little Myth Marker By Robert Asprin

“Well, there’s also Massha. She’s my apprentice.”

“Massha. That’s a pretty name.”

Now, there are lots of words to describe my apprentice, but unfortunately ‘pretty’ isn’t one of them.

Massha is huge, both in height and breadth. There are large people who still manage to look attractive, but my apprentice isn’t one of them. She tends toward loud, colorful clothes which invariably clash with her bright orange hair, and wears enough jewelry for three stores.

In fact, the last time she got into a fight here at the Bazaar was when a nearsighted shopper mistook her for a display tent.

“Aahh . . . you’ll just have to meet her. But you’re right. Massha is a pretty name.”

“Gee, you’ve got a lot of people living with you.”

“Well… umm … there is one more.”

“Who’s that?”

“His name is Aahz. He’s my partner.”

“Is he nice, too?”

I was torn between loyalty and honesty.

“He . . . aah . . . takes getting used to. Remember how I told you not to be scared of the bodyguards even if they were a little gruff?”


“Well, it’s all right to be scared of Aahz. He gets a little upset from time to time, and until he cools down it’s best to give him a lot of room and not leave anything breakable-like your arm-within his reach.”

“What gets him upset?”

“Oh, the weather, losing money, not making money . . . which to him is the same as losing money, any one of a hundred things that I say … and you! I’m afraid he’s going to be a little upset when he meets you. so stay behind me until I get him calmed down. Okay?”

“Why would he be upset with me?”

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