Little Myth Marker By Robert Asprin

“Well, I still say you were wrong,” Aahz growled. “Of all the dumb stunts you’ve pulled …”

“C’mon, partner. What’s done is done. Okay? You’re just mad because I didn’t check with you first.”

“That’s the least of…”


“What? Oh. Sorry, Massha. I won. Aahz here is upset because…”

I was suddenly swept up in a gargantuan hug and kiss as my apprentice expressed her delight at the news.

“I’ll say he won. In one hand he won,” Tananda grinned. “Never seen anything like it.”

“Three unicorns and the six of clubs in the hole,” Aahz raged. “Three wild cards, which, when used with the once-a-night suit shift rule on the seven of diamonds, yields…”

“A straight-bloody-flush!” Chumley sang. “Which took the Kid’s Full Dragon and the largest pot that’s ever been seen at the Bazaar.”

“I knew you could do it, Daddy!” Markie shrieked, emerging from her hiding spot on the stairs.

So much for sending her to bed early.

“I wish you could have seen the Kid’s face, Massha,” the troll continued merrily. “I’ll bet he wishes now that he carries antacids instead of breath mints.”

“You should have seen the crowd. They’re going to be talking about this one for years!”

Massha finally let me down and held up a hand.

“Hold it! Wait a minute! I get the feeling I’ve missed a lap here somewhere. Hot Stuff here won. Right? As in walked away with all the marbles?”

The brother and sister team nodded vigorously. I just tried to get my breath back.

“So how come Green and Scaly is breathing smoke? I should think he’d be leading the cheering.”

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