Little Myth Marker By Robert Asprin

“I feel better about that after tonight, Skeeve,” Bunny corrected. “Between negotiating with the Kid and getting the assignment to price out the Even-Odds, I think I can do something for you besides breathe heavy.”

“Exactly!” I nodded. “That’s what’s giving me the courage to propose the plan I’ve cooked up.”

“Plan? What plan?”

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about, Aahz. Actually, what I wanted to talk to all of you about. What we’re dealing with in this household isn’t really a partnership . .. it’s a company. Everybody in this room contributes to the success of our group as a whole, and I think it’s about time we restructured our setup to reflect that. What we really need is a system where all of us have a say as to what’s going on. Then clients will be able to approach us as a group, and we quote prices, hand out assignments or subcontract, and share the profits as a group. That’s my proposal, for what it’s worth. What do the rest of you think? “

The silence stretched on until I started to wonder if they were trying to think of a tactful way to tell me I belonged in a rubber room.

“I don’t know, Skeeve,” Aahz said at last.

“What aren’t you sure of?” I urged.

“I don’t know if we should call ourselves Magic, Inc., or Chaos, Ltd.”

“Magic, Inc., has already been used,” Tananda argued. “Besides, I think the name should be a little more dignified and formal.”

“You do that, then the clients are goin’ to be surprised when they actually see us, know what I mean?” Guido put in. “We ain’t exactly dignified and formal ourselves.”

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