Little Myth Marker By Robert Asprin

“Who … is… that?”

I decided against trying to play dumb and say “Who is what?” At the range he was standing, Aahz would have bitten my head off… literally!

“Umm . . . remember I said that I won twenty thousand plus? Well, she’s the plus.”


The force of my partner’s voice actually knocked me back two steps. I probably would have gone farther if I hadn’t bumped against Markie.


He disappeared in mid-sentence behind a wall of flesh and tasteless color. Despite her earlier claims of valuing self-preservation, Massha had stepped between us.

“Just cool down a minute. Green and Scaly.”

Aahz tried to get around her.


She took a half step sideways and blocked him by leaning against the wall.

“Give him a chance to explain. He is your partner, isn’t he?”

From the sound of his voice, Aahz reversed his field and tried for the other side.

“BUT HE …”

Massha took two steps and leaned against the other wall, all the while talking as if she wasn’t being interrupted.

“Now either he’s an idiot . . . which he isn’t, or you’re a lousy teacher . . . which you aren’t, or there’s more to this than meets the eye. Hmmm? “

There were several moments of silence, then Aahz spoke again in a voice much more subdued.

“All right, partner. Let’s hear it.”

Massha relinquished her spot and I could see Aahz again . . . though I almost wished I couldn’t. He was breathing hard, but whether from anger or from the exertion of trying to get around Massha I couldn’t tell. I could hear the scales on his fingers rasp as he clenched and unclenched his fists, and I knew that I’d better tell my story fast before he lost control again.

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