Little Myth Marker By Robert Asprin

“That’s what she called it. Cute, huh? Why, what does…”

My apprentice interrupted me by grabbing my arm so hard that it hurt. “Skeeve. We’ve got to get her back home… QUICK!!”

“But I don’t see…”

“I’ll explain later! Just get her and go! I’ll round up Bunny and get her back, but you’ve got to get moving!”

To say the least, I found her manner puzzling. I had never seen Massha so upset. This was obviously not the time for questions, though, so I looked around for Markie. She was standing, fists clenched, glaring at a tent with a closed flap.

All of a sudden everyone was getting uptight. First Massha, and now Markie.

“What’s with the kid?” I said, tapping Guide on the shoulder.

“Bunny’s in trying on some peek-a-boo nighties, and the owner chased Markie out,” my bodyguard explained. “She don’t like it much, but she’ll get over it. It’s part of bein’ a kid, I guess.”

“I see. Well, I was just going to take her back home anyway. Could one of you stay here with …”


Massha was shouting at me. I was turning toward her to see what she was talking about when it happened, so I didn’t see all the details.

There was a sudden WHOOSH followed by the sounds of ripping canvas, wood splintering, and assorted screams and curses.

I whipped my head back around, and my jaw dropped in astonishment.

The booth that Bunny was in was in tatters. The entire stock of the place was sailing off over the Bazaar, as was what was left of the tent. Bunny was trying to cover herself with her hands and screaming her head off. The proprietor, a particularly greasy-looking Deveel, was also screaming his head off, but his emotions were being vented in our general direction instead of at the world in general.

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