Little Myth Marker By Robert Asprin

“Cause any fool can see it without being told,” Aahz snarled, but there was a twinkle in his eye. “The problem is that Pervects aren’t just any fool.”

“Quite right,” Chumley grinned. “Now how about joining me in a little Happy Hour spot of wine while I tell you how clever I am at saving you money.”

“I’d rather you impressed us with a solution to our baby-sitting problems.” my partner said grimly, heading for the lounge.

I followed in their wake, strangely happy. Things were back to normal… or as normal as they ever get around here. Between us, I was sure we could find a positive course of action. I mean, after all, how much trouble could one little girl…

That thought crumbled in front of an image of elemental-blown tents. I resolved to do more listening than talking in the upcoming war council.

Chapter Nine:

“They never let you live it down. One little mistake!”


RELAXING over drinks with Aahz and Chumley, I felt the tensions and depressions of the day slipping away. It was nice to know that when things really got tough, I had friends to help me solve my problems, however complex or apparently hopeless.

“Well, guys,” I said, pouring another round of wine for everyone. “Any ideas as to what we should do?”

“Beats me.” Chumley said, toying with his goblet.

“I still think it’s your problem,” Aahz announced, leaning back in his chair and grinning evilly. “I mean, after all, you got into it without our help.”

Like I said, it’s great to have friends.

“I can’t say I go along with that, Aahz old boy,” the troll said with a wave. “Although I’ll admit it’s tempting. The unfortunate reality is that as long as we’re living and working as closely as we are, his problems are out problems, don’t you know?”

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