Little Myth Marker By Robert Asprin

As much as I appreciated the fact that Chumley’s logic was moving them closer to lending me assistance, I felt the need to defend myself a little.

“I’d like to think it’s a two-way street, Aahz. I’ve gotten dragged into a few of your problems as well.”

He started to snap back, then pursed his lips and returned his attention to his wine. “I’ll avoid comparing lists of how often which of us has gotten us in how much trouble and simply concede the point. I guess that’s part of what a partnership is all about. Sorry if I seem a little snorky from time to time, but I’ve never had a partner before. It takes getting used to.”

“I say! Well said, Aahz!” Chumley applauded. “You know, you’re getting more civilized every day.”

“Let’s not get too carried away just yet. How about you, Chumley? You and your sister have helped us out often enough, but I don’t recall either of you bringing your problems home with you. Isn’t that a little lopsided?”

“I’ve always figured it’s our way of kicking in on the rent,” the troll said casually. “If our problems ever start interfering with your work, then I’ll figure we’ve overstayed our welcome.”

This came as a total surprise to me. I realized with a start, that I was usually so busy with my own life and problems that I never got around to asking much about the work Chumley and Tananda were doing.

“Whoa up a minute here,” I said. “Are you two having problems I don’t know about?”

“Well, it isn’t all beer and skittles,” the troll grimaced briefly. “The subject at hand, however, is your problems. There’s nothing on my plate that has a higher priority just now, so let’s get to work on the latest crisis, shall we? I suggest we all put on our thinking caps and brainstorm a little. Let’s just stare at the ceiling and each toss out ideas as they occur to us.”

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