Little Myth Marker By Robert Asprin

“Say, Geek,” I said, trying to make it sound casual.

“Who is this ‘Kid’ they keep talking about?”

The Deveel almost lost his grip on the stack of chips he was counting. He gave me a long stare, then shrugged.

“You know, Skeeve, sometimes I don’t know when you’re kidding me and when you’re serious. I keep forgetting that as successful as you are, you’re still new to the Bazaar… and to gambling specifically.”

“Terrific. Who’s the ‘Kid’?”

“The Kid’s the current king of the dragon poker circuit. His trademark is that he always includes a breath mint with his opening bet for each hand … says that it brings him luck. That’s why they call him the ‘Sen-Sen Ante Kid.’ I’d advise you to stay away from him, though. You had a good run tonight, but the Kid is the best there is. He’d eat you alive in a head-to-head game.”

“I hear that.” I laughed. “I was only curious. Really. Just cash me in and I’ll be on my way.”

The Geek gestured at the stacks of coins on the table.

“What’s to cash?” he said. “I pulled mine out the same time I cashed the others’ out. The rest is yours.”

I looked at the money and swallowed hard. For the first time I could understand why some people found gambling so addictive. There was easily twenty thousand in gold weighing down the table. All mine. From one night of cards!

“Urn . . . Geek? Could you hold on to my winnings for me? I’m not wild about the idea of walking around with that much gold on me. I can drop back by later with my bodyguards to pick it up.”

“Suit yourself,” the Geek shrugged. “I can’t think of anyone at the Bazaar who would have nerve enough to jump you, with your reputation. Still, you might run into a stranger….”

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