Little Myth Marker By Robert Asprin

That seemed to settle her a bit, but not much.

“Tell me honestly. Hot Stuff,” she said, pursing her lips. “How good do you think I could ever be with magic … really?”

“I don’t know. I’d like to think that with work and practice you could be better than you are now, though. That’s really all any of us can hope for.”

“You may be right, Skeeve, and it’s a good thought. The fact still remains that in the meantime, I’ll always be small potatoes around here .. . magically, of course. The way things are going, I’m destined to be a hanger-on. A leech. You and Aahz are nice guys, and you’d never throw me out, but I can’t think of one good reason why I should stay.”


My head came around so fast I was in momentary danger of whiplash. Framed in the doorway was …


“In the flesh,” she said with a wink. “But that’s not the subject here. Massha, I can’t speak for long-term conditions but I’ve got one good reason why you shouldn’t leave Just now. It’s the same reason I’m not.

“What’s that?”

“It involves the Great Skeeve here. C’mon downstairs. I m going to brief everybody at once at a war council. We’ve got a full-blown crisis on our hands “

Chapter Eleven:

“I believe we’re under attack.”


ONE of the rooms in our extra-dimensional palace had a large oval table in it surrounded by chairs. When we moved in, we dubbed it the Conference Room, since there didn’t seem to be any other practical use for it. We never used it for conferences, mind you, but it’s always nice to have a conference room.

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