Little Myth Marker By Robert Asprin

“Who’s hired him?” Aahz demanded, seizing first position.

“The way I heard it, a group of magicians here at the Bazaar is none too happy with Skeeve’s success. They feel he’s taking all the choice assignments these days .. . getting all the glory work. What they’ve done is pool their money so they can hire the Ax to do what they’re all afraid to do themselves . . . namely, deal with Skeeve.”

“Do you hear that, Chumley? Still think I’m being melodramatic?”

“Shut up, Aahz. Where’d you hear this, little sister?”

“Remember Vic? The little vampire that relocated here from Limbo? Well, he’s opened his own magic practice here at the Bazaar. It seems that he was approached to contribute to the fund. He’s new enough here that he didn’t know any of them by name, but they claim to have the support of nearly a dozen of the smalltime magicians.”

“Why didn’t he warn us as soon as he heard?”

“He’s trying to stay neutral. He didn’t contribute, but he also didn’t want to be the one to blow the whistle to Skeeve. The only reason he said anything to me was that he was afraid that anyone close to Skeeve might get caught in the crossfire. I must admit, he seems to have a rather exaggerated idea of how much Skeeve here can handle on his own.”

“Can I ask a question?” I said grimly. “As the intended victim?”

“Sure, Skeeve. Ask away.”

“Who’s the Ax?”

At least half the heads at the table swiveled toward me while the faces attached to them dropped their jaws.

“You’re kidding!”

“Don’t you know who …”

“Aahz, didn’t you teach him any…”

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