Little Myth Marker By Robert Asprin

We hadn’t really settled it, and Aahz wasn’t about to give me a chance to point it out. I was just as glad, though, since I really didn’t know what to say.

“All we can do is be on the lookout for anyone or anything strange showing up.” Tananda shrugged.

“Like a showdown match of dragon poker with the Sen-Sen Ante Kid,” Chumley said, staring into the distance.

“What’s that?”

“You missed it, little sister. It seems our boy Skeeve has drawn the attention of the king of dragon poker. He wants a head-to-head showdown match, and he wants it soon.”

“Don’t look at me like that, Chumley.” Aahz grimaced. “I’m changing my vote. If we want to preserve Skeeve’s reputation, there’s no way he can refuse the challenge. Now I’m willing to admit it’ll be money well spent.”

“My daddy can beat anybody at dragon poker,” Markie declared loyally.

“Your daddy can get his brains beaten out royally,” my partner corrected gently. “I just hope we can teach him enough between now and game time that he can lose gracefully.”

“I don’t like it,” Tananda growled. “It’s too convenient. Somehow this game has the Ax’s fingerprints all over it.”

“You’re probably right,” Aahz sighed. “But there’s not much else we can do except accept the challenge and try to make the best of a bad situation.”

“Bite the bullet and play the cards we’re dealt. Eh, Aahz?” I murmured.

I though I had spoken quietly, but everyone around the table winced, including Markie. They might be loyal enough to risk their lives and careers defending me, but they weren’t going to laugh at my jokes.

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