Little Myth Marker By Robert Asprin

That wasn’t difficult at all to imagine . . . unfortunately.

“Touche!” I acknowledged. “Let me just toss one thought at you, Bunny. Then I’ll yield to your experience. The question of sex is going to hang in the air over any male-female encounter until it’s resolved. I think it lingers from pre-civilization days when survival of the species hinged on propagation. It’s strongest when encountering a member of the opposite sex one finds attractive . . . such as a beautiful woman, or, I believe the phrase is, a ‘hunk.’ Part of civilization, though I don’t know how many other people think of it this way, is setting rules and laws to help settle that question quickly: siblings, parents, and people under age or married to someone else are off limits . . . well, usually, but you get my point. Theoretically, this allows people to spend less time sniffing at each other and more time getting on with other endeavors . . . like art or business. I’m not sure it’s an improvement, mind you, but it has brought us a long way.”

“That’s an interesting theory, Skeeve,” Bunny said thoughtfully. “Where’d you hear it?”

“I made it up,” I admitted.

“I’ll have to mull that one over for a while. Even if you’re right, though, what does it prove?”

“Well, I guess I’m trying to say that I think you’re focusing too much on the existence of the question. Each time it comes up, resolve it and move on to other things. Specifically, I think we can resolve the question between us right now. As far as I’m concerned, the answer is no, or at least not for a long time. If we can agree on that, I’d like to move on to other things . . . like getting to know you better.”

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