Little Myth Marker By Robert Asprin

“I’d say that sounds like a pass, if you weren’t saying ‘no’ in the same breath. Maybe I have been a little hypersensitive on the subject. Okay. Agreed. Let’s try it as friends.”

She stuck out her hand, and I shook it solemnly. In the back of my mind was a twinge of guilt. Now that I had gotten her to relax her guard, I was going to try to pump her for information.

“What would you like to know?”

“Well, except for the fact that you’re smarter than you let on and that you’re Don Bruce’s niece, I really don’t know much about you at all!”

“Whoops,” she giggled, “You weren’t even supposed to know about the niece part.”

It was a much nicer giggle than her usual brain-jarring squeal.

“Let’s start there, then. I understand your uncle doesn’t approve of your career choice.”

“You can say that again. He had a profession all picked out for me, put me through school and everything. The trouble was that he didn’t bother to check with me. Frankly, I’d rather do anything else than what he had in mind.”

“What was that?”

“He wanted me to be an accountant.”

My mind flashed back to my old nemesis J. R. Grimble back at Possletum. Trying to picture Bunny in his place was more than my imagination could manage.

“Umm … I suppose accounting is okay work. I can see why Don Bruce didn’t want you to follow his footsteps into a life of crime.”

Bunny cocked a skeptical eyebrow at me. “If you believe that, you don’t know much about accounting.”

“Whatever. It does occur to me that there are more choices for one’s livelihood than being an accountant or being a moll.”

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