Little Myth Marker By Robert Asprin

For a minute, I thought I was being baited. Then I remembered some of my earliest conversations with Aahz and controlled my temper.

“I realize that it’s a little girl, Geek,” I said carefully. “What I was really trying to ask is -a) who is she? -b) what is she doing here? and -c) what has this got to do with Pidge’s marker? Do I make myself clear?”

The Deveel blinked his eyes in bewilderment.

“But I just told you. Her name is Markie. She’s Pidge’s marker . . . you know, the one you said you would cover personally?”

My stomach bottomed out.

“Geek, we were talking about a piece of paper. You know, ‘IOU, etc.’? A marker! Who leaves a little girl for a marker?”

“Pidge does. Always has. C’mon, Skeeve. You know me. Would I give anyone credit for a piece of paper? I give Pidge credit on Markie here because I know he’ll be back to reclaim her.”

“Right. You give him credit. I don’t deal in little girls. Geek.”

“You do now,” he smiled. “Everyone at the table heard you say so. I’ll admit I was a little surprised at the time.”

“… But not surprised enough to warn me about what I was buying into. Thanks a lot, Geek old pal. I’ll try to remember to return the favor someday.”

In case you didn’t notice, that last part was an open threat. As has been noted, I’ve been getting quite a reputation around the Bazaar as a magician, and I didn’t really think the Geek wanted to be on my bad side.

Okay. So it was a rotten trick. I was getting desperate.

“Whoa. Hold it,” the Deveel said quickly. “No reason to get upset. If you don’t want her, I’ll give you cash to cover the marker and keep her myself…”

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