Little Myth Marker By Robert Asprin

“No, I don’t.”

I had survived the Geek’s dragon poker game watching other people, and I’m fairly good at it. To me, that hesitation was a dead giveaway. Bunny knew why she was here, she just wasn’t telling.

As if she had read my thoughts, a startled look came over her face.

“Hey! It just dawned on me. Do you think I’m the Ax? Believe me, Skeeve, I’m not. Really!”

She was very sincere and very believable. Of course, if I were the Ax, that’s exactly what I would say and how I would say it.

Chapter Thirteen:

“Your Majesty should pay attention to his appearance.”


THERE are many words to describe the next day’s outing into the Bazaar. Unfortunately, none of them are ‘calm’, ‘quiet’, or ‘relaxing’. Words like ‘zoo’, ‘circus’, and ‘chaos’ spring much more readily to mind.

It started before we even left our base… specifically, over whether or not we should go out at all.

Aahz and Massha maintained that we should go to ground until things blew over, on the theory that it would provide the fewest opportunities for the Ax to attack. Guido and Nunzio sided with them, adding their own colorful phrases to the proceedings. “Going to the mattresses” was one of their favorites, an expression which never ceased to conjure intriguing images to my mind. Like I told Bunny, I’m not totally pure.

Tananda and Chumley took the other side, arguing that the best defense is a solid offense. Staying inside, they argued, would only make us sitting ducks. The only sane thing to do would be to get out and try to determine just what the Ax was going to try. Markie and Bunny chimed in supporting the brother-sister team, though I suspect it was more from a desire to see more of the Bazaar.

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