Lord Harry by Catherine Coulter

Much later that night, Hetty said to Millie as she pulled her nightgown over her head, “She is a spiteful, jealous cat, Millie, and I’m not at all certain that I can believe all that she told me.” Hetty fumbled with the buttons on her nightgown, forcing them into their proper holes. “But you know, the fact of the matter is that Lady Langley is Lady Melberry’s best friend and what with Lord Oberlon being her nephew, well, it does make some sense that Miss Maude could find out that Elizabeth had been pregnant. Oh my God. Millie, you do not think, do you, that perhaps the child was Damien’s?”

“Well, it may be the truth, Miss Hetty. You remember that we couldn’t understand why Elizabeth would have no choice, as she put it in her letter to your brother. It would appear that she wished to avoid a scandal by marrying herself off as quickly as possible. You told me yourself that her father, Old Colonel Springville, was a stiff, proper curmudgeon. Probably curl up his toes were his daughter to disgrace him in such a way. Probably shoot her if he could get away with it.”

“Poor Elizabeth. I can see it all now, Millie. She loved Damien, and though I can’t condone her behavior, or my brother’s, for that matter, they must have planned to marry.”

Millie was silent a moment, staring thoughtfully over the top of Hetty’s head. “Do you think it’s possible that Lord Oberlon married Elizabeth without knowing she was pregnant?”

Hetty nodded, her eyes sad. “Yes, she must have kept silent to protect herself. When Lord Oberlon realized she was pregnant with Damien’s child, he practically deserted her, just as Miss Langley said. It’s ironic, is it not, Millie? He sent Damien to his death, thus winning the lady, only to discover that she had used him. How Damien must have suffered, knowing that she carried his child and he could do nothing about it.”

“Miss Hetty, hold a moment, there is something here that simply doesn’t let the key fit the lock.” Millie frowned and rubbed her fingertips against her thin ribs.

“You’re thinking that Lord Oberlon’s actions weren’t those of a libertine, a man who used women and didn’t care what happened to them once he was through?”

“Yes, it sounds like to me that his grace loved the girl. My ma told me that when men are smitten they will do any number of outrageous things to get what they want.”

Hetty said, her voice as harsh as the winter wind, “I don’t care about Lord Oberlon’s motives, Millie. The fact remains that it was he who is responsible for Damien’s death. No one else, just Lord Oberlon. And by God, he deserves all that I have planned for him.”

Several hours later, Millie quietly entered Hetty’s bedchamber to ensure that she had indeed locked away the fine pearl necklace her mistress had worn this evening, the only item she’d worn that was worth saving. She stood silently at her mistress’s bedside, the slender candle flame darting shafts of orange light, and gazed down upon Hetty’s face. Millie felt a sudden wrenching of fear. Deep in sleep, with her tousled blond curls softly framing her small face, Miss Hetty looked like an innocent, vulnerable young girl, which of course she was. Ah, but she had the heart of a lion. Millie turned, the candle trembling in her hand. What chance could Miss Hetty have against such a powerful, ruthless man as Lord Oberlon?

Chapter Ten

Lord Harry and Sir Harry Brandon stood outside the Earl of March’s elegant three-story town house on the northern corner of Grosvenor Square. A strong February wind whipped their greatcoats about their ankles and tugged at the top hats set rakishly over their pomaded hair.

“I tell you, Lord Harry, if my brother-in-law backs you, you’ll be a member of White’s by this very evening. You can’t go on missing out on all the good sport. Just be yourself and Julien will like you well enough. I already dashed him a note, telling him all about your pedigree.”

“If you’re certain, Harry. I have no wish to bother him.”

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Categories: Catherine Coulter