Louis L’Amour – Flint

Then heaving the man erect, he shoved him, with all the strength he had, toward the stall from which he had heard the other voice.

“Sax! What the — ?”

Saxon lay sprawled in the center of the barn, dimly visible in the light from the big front door. Strett whispered hoarsely, but Saxon lay still. Strett had heard a rustling of clothes, a faint rattle, a thud. Had Saxon been kicked?

He waited an instant, then emerged from the stall and crouched beside Saxon. “Sax … what’s the matter? You hurt?”

In the silence, Strett heard the click of a cocked pistol and froze, his heart pounding heavily. He was crouched down, his coat over the butt of his pistol. Swiftly he gauged his chances and decided he did not like them.

“You pick up your partner,” Flint said, “and walk out of the door. Walk slow and keep both hands on him. I don’t want to kill you, but on the other hand, I wouldn’t mind. You make your own choice.”

Strett got to his feet, slung Saxon over his shoulder, and started out.

Flint stepped quickly into the stallion’s stall and spoke softly to him. Watching across the stallion’s back, Flint adjusted the girth and slipped on the bridle, then he led the stallion out and stepped into the saddle.

Strett had stopped just outside the door. Flint rode up behind him and, leaning down, took his pistol from its holster, then took the gun from Saxon.

“Walk up the street,” he said, “and keep going. Head for California.”

“California!” Strett protested. “Can’t we get our horses? Look — !”

“After I am gone, you can get your horses if you feel lucky. But if I were you, I’d get into the saddle and ride. From what I hear that’s a coming country out there, and neither of you boys have any future here.

“My name is Flint, and when I see either of you again, I’m going to start shooting … no matter where it is. And you have had all the warning you are going to get.”

He watched Strett staggering up the street under his burden, and then he rode away.

The near mountains loomed black, a cool wind blew from the pines on the high slopes. He turned south, forded the trickle of the San Jose, and took the trail to the hideout.

In his darkened room at the Grand Hotel, Porter Baldwin at last snubbed out his cigar. So they had failed him. Flint was still alive.

Baldwin pulled off his shirt and pants, rolled into bed in his long underwear, and lay staring up at the ceiling. He could not hold his cattle on that Nugent grass forever. Already it was overgrazed and would start losing weight, yet to sell now meant a loss and the added risk of losing the cost of shipping to the Eastern market.

Somewhere down the hall a door closed softly. Baldwin listened. No footsteps passed his door, but after a moment he heard a sound from the head of the back stairs, and a faint creak of a boot on a step.

Somebody was going down the back stairs! Somebody who left the hotel after midnight. Who used the back stairs? Possibly many people, but he knew of only one. Buckdun. Lottie’s room was down the hall, and Lottie was anxious for Flint to die. Baldwin turned on his side and stared at the window, and was like that when he went to sleep.

Miles away to the south, at the Hole-in-the-Wall, Nancy Kerrigan was not asleep. She had been lying awake for some time when she got up and threw wood on the fire and seated herself, wrapped in a heavy coat, on a log near the flames.

Jim was dying. He was dying somewhere, and he was alone. So many things began to shape to a pattern now. Staring into the flames, she saw his face there. She poked at the fire, remembering Lottie Kettleman. She was cold, but she was lovely, and it was obvious she knew how to please men.

If Jim was dying, and Lottie hated him, why was she here?

Money …

Did Jim have money? Of course. He was James T. Kettleman, numbered among the richest men in the country, along with Vanderbilt, Gould, Fisk, and young Harriman. Of course he had money. If he died, then Lottie would have it all, so why was she here? There were so many puzzles … his connection with Flint, if there was one. Yet a wire from him had been enough to destroy the land empire that Baldwin had been about to build.

All that was unimportant. The important thing was that Jim was out in the hills somewhere, dying. She remembered him lying in the guest room at the ranch, his face horribly bruised from the beating, and she remembered the way he had ridden from here, practically driven from the Hole-in-the-Wall after he had done so much.

She heard a light step and looked up to see Pete Gaddis coming to the fire.

“Something wrong, ma’am?”

“I was thinking about Jim Flint.”

Pete Gaddis hunkered down near the fire. “I was a damn’ fool. All I could think of was that he had come hunting me, after all these years.”

Nancy told Pete of her talk with Lottie. She told him about the cancer, and she told him about Lottie.

“I’m sorry, ma’am. I surely am.”

She stayed by the fire alone. There was a restlessness in her that denied sleep, and there was anger in her, too, anger that a woman such as Lottie Kettleman had married Jim.

She had no right to him … none at all.

But she did. She was married to him, and no matter what happened to Jim, she would still be married to him.

Nancy Kerrigan got to her feet and looked off at the faint lightening of the sky in the east. No matter … if Jim Flint was going to die he would die among those who cared for him. And she was going back to the Kaybar headquarters and build again, and if Porter Baldwin wanted trouble, he would get it.

And if Lottie Kettleman wanted Jim Flint, she would have to fight for him.

Chapter 17

The malpais, that dreaded death trap of lava, lay still and hot under the afternoon sun, and upon its vast and rugged expanse, nothing moved. From the edge of the mesa, Buckdun studied the malpais with careful eyes.

Three days had passed since the fight in the Divide Saloon at Alamitos, a fight that ended disastrously for the Baldwin riders. Three days since the night he had talked to Lottie Kettleman.

In those three days Buckdun, a cautious and relentless man-hunter, had been tracking the man he was to kill.

As he had previously told Baldwin, a man with no fixed habitation or habit is most difficult to kill, for the simple reason there is no place where one may lie in wait.

Flint came from nowhere and vanished into nowhere.

Yet he had to have a hideout, and the two horses with which he had been seen had to be kept somewhere. Moreover, the red stallion wore no brand, which indicated it had been a wild horse. And such a horse had been seen on no range, for no cowhand was apt to forget such a fine stallion.

Seated upon the mesa, hidden among the trees and rocks, Buckdun assembled what information he had.

Flint had appeared at Horse Springs. His gun battle with the Baldwin riders had taken place on North Plain while riding north. He had come to Alamitos several days later from the south.

He had been involved in the fighting at the attack on the Kaybar, and had been seen riding to that ranch ahead of the attackers and coming from the south. He had visited the telegraph station at McCartys. Most of his visits to Alamitos had brought him to town from the south or east.

That indicated a hideout somewhere south or east of Alamitos and north of Horse Springs.

The implication was obvious. Flint’s hideout must have been somewhere in the malpais or around Ceboletta Mesa. Nonetheless, Buckdun had drifted south and west. He had checked the old Indian ruins near Post Office Flat and Old Redondo Canyon. He had ridden along both sides of the Zuni Range.

He checked the tracks left by the red stallion. The shoes were new and distinctive. He found no such tracks anywhere west of the Kaybar. He picked up a trail several days old south of Kaybar and backtrailed it to North Plain, where it faded out. His time was not wasted, for he had learned a little. He picked up a fragment of trail headed south toward Horse Springs, a very old trail, mostly blown out by wind.

He narrowed his wide circle, and soon had decided the hideout had to be north of the southernmost point of the main flow of the lava.

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