Louis L’Amour – The Strong Shall Live

They had talked of it, he and Tom Heath, and Tom had written to Julia, suggesting she come west because he had found the man for her. And two weeks later Tom was dead with his, with Fitz Moore’s, bullet in his heart.

The marshal walked along the street of false-fronted, weather-beaten buildings. Squalid and dismal as they might seem to a stranger they were the center of the world for those who lived in the country around. Here where mountains and desert met, the town was changing. It was growing with the hopes of its citizens and with the changing of times and needs. This spring, for example flowers had been planted in the yard of a house near the church, and trees had been trimmed in another.

From a haphazard collection of buildings catering to the needs of a transient people, the town of Sentinel was acquiring a sense of belonging, a consciousness of the future. The days of cattle drives were soon to be gone and where they had walked men would build and plant and harvest.

Fitz Moore turned into the empty alley between the Emporium and the general store. Thoughts of his problem returned. With the marshal dead the town would be helpless until men could gather, choose a leader, and act. For the moment the town would he helpless.

But how did they plan to kill him? That it had been planned he was sure, but it must be done soon and quickly, for the marshal would be the focal point of resistance.

The loft of the abandoned barn commanded a view of the street. The outlaws would come into town riding toward the barn and somewhere along that street the marshal of Sentinel would be walking, covered by a hidden rifleman.

He climbed up the stairs to the barn loft. The dust on the steps had been disturbed. At the top a board creaked under his boot. A rat scurried away. The loft was wide and empty, only dust and wisps of hay, a few cobwebs.

From that wide door the raid might be stopped, but this was not the place for him. His place was down there in that hot, dusty street where his presence would count. Much remained to be done and there was but little time.

Returning to his quarters, Fitz Moore thrust an extra gun into his pocket and belted on a third. Then he put two shotguns into a wool sack. Nobody would be surprised to see him carrying the sack, for he used it to bring firewood from the pile back of Gard’s.

Jack Thomas was seated in a chair in front of the livery stable. Barney Gard came from the saloon, glanced at the marshal as if to assure himself of his presence, then went back inside. Fitz Moore paused, relighting his dead cigar, surveying the street over the match and under the brim of his hat.

The topic of what might happen here if the Henry gang attempted to raid was not a new one. There had been much speculation. Several men aside from Thomas had brought up the subject, trying to feel him out, to discover what he thought, what he might plan to do.

Jack Thomas turned his head to watch the marshal. He was a big, easygoing man with a ready smile. He had been one of the first to offer his services.

Johnny Haven, seated on the steps of the saloon’s porch looked up at the marshal, grinning. “How’s the town clown?” he asked.

Moore paused beside him, drawing deep on the cigar and permitting himself a glance toward the loft door, almost sixty yards away and across the street. Deliberately, he had placed himself in line with the best shooting position.

“Johnny,” he said, “if anything happens to me, I want you to have this job. If nothing happens to me I want you for my deputy.”

Young Haven could not have been more astonished, but he was also deeply moved. He looked up at the marshal as if he thought. his mind had been affected by the heat. Aside from the words the very fact that the marshal had ventured a personal remark was astonishing.

“You’re twenty-six, Johnny, and it’s time you grew up. You’ve played at being the town roughneck long enough. I’ve looked the town over, and I’ve decided you’re the man for the job.”

Johnny … Tom. He tried to avoid thinking of them together but there was a connection. Tom had been a good man, too. Now he was a good man gone. Johnny was a good one, no question about it. He had heard many stories of how dependable he was out on the range, but Johnny was walking the hairline of the law. A step too far and he could become an outlaw.

Johnny Haven was profoundly impressed. To say that he both respected and admired this tall, composed man was no more than the truth. After Moore arrested him the first time Johnny had been furious enough to kill him, but each time he came into town he found himself neatly boxed and helpless.

Nor had Moore ever taken unfair advantage, never striking one blow more than essential, never keeping the cowhand in jail an hour longer than necessary. And Johnny Haven was honest enough to realize he could never have handled the situation as well.

Anger had dissolved into reluctant admiration. Only stubbornness and the pride of youth had prevented him from giving up the struggle.

“Why pick on me?” He spoke roughly to cover his emotion. “You won’t be quitting.”

There was a faint suggestion of movement from the loft. The marshal glanced at his watch. Two minutes to ten.

“Johnny — ?” The sudden change of tone brought Johnny’s head up sharply. “When the shooting starts there are two shotguns in this sack.”

“Get behind the water trough and use one of them. Shoot from under the trough, it’s safer.”

Two riders walked their horses into the upper end of the street, almost a block away. Two men on powerful horses, much better horses than were usually found on any cow ranch.

Three more riders emerged from the space between the buildings, coming from the direction of Peterson’s corral. One of them was riding a gray horse. They were within twenty yards when Barney Gard came from his saloon carrying two canvas bags. He was starring for the bank, and one of the riders reined his horse around to come between Gard and his goal.

“Shotgun in the sack, Gard.” The marshal’s tone was conversational.

Then, sunlight glinted on a rifle barrel in the loft door. Fitz Moore took one step forward and drew. The thunder of the rifle merged a little late with the bark of his own gun. The rifle clattered, falling, and an arm fell loosely from the loft door.

The marshal’s turn was abrupt, yet smooth. “All right, Henry!” His voice like the blare of a trumpet in the narrow street. “You’ve asked for it! Now take it!”

There was no request for surrender. The rope awaited these men, death rode their hands and their guns.

As one man they went for their guns. The marshal leaped into the street, landing flatfooted and firing. The instant of surprise was his, and they were mounted on nervous horses. His first shot had killed the man in the loft, the second killed Fred Henry.

Behind and to his right a shotgun’s deep roar blasted the sun-filled morning. The man on the gray horse died falling, his gun throwing a useless shot into the hot, still air.

A rider leaped his horse at the marshal but Fitz Moore stood his ground and fired. The rider’s face seemed to disintegrate under the impact of the bullet.

And then there was silence. The roaring of guns was gone and only the faint smells lingered, the acrid tang of gunpowder, of blood in the dust, the brighter crimson of blood on a saddle.

Johnny Haven got up slowly from behind the horse trough. Barney Gard stared around as if just awakened, the canvas bags at his feet, his hands gripping the shotgun Johnny had thrown him.

There was a babble of sound then and people running into the street, and a girl with gray eyes watching. Those eyes seemed to reach across the street and into the heart of the marshal.

“Only one shot!” Barney Gard exclaimed. “I got off only one shot and missed that one!”

“The Henry gang wiped out!” yelled an excited citizen. “Wait until Thomas hears that!”

“He won’t be listenin’,” somebody said. “They got him.”

Fitz Moore turned like a duelist. “I got him,” he said flatly. “He was their man. He tried all morning to find out what I’d do if they showed up. Besides, he was hostler at the livery stable at the time of the holdup at the Springs.”

An hour later Johnny Haven followed the marshal into the street. Four men were dead, two were in jail.

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Categories: L'Amour, Loius